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Jimin slowly stands up as that ring case drops from his hand. He looks at his ring dropped on floor.


He whispers still in shock.

" WHAT?" She shouts gaining his attention once again.

" YOU THINK I AM A FOOL? Who do you think you are Park?? You think you can play with my heart, you can play with my feelings. Who am I to you huh? You think you can use  me like you play with other women , I am a living being who has feelings and you have no fuc king right to play with them, I am not your toy! You get it!! You get it Park!!! "

Jimin frowns in confusion at her behaviour, he was too numb to feel anything .

" Soha, what happened? W-Why are you behavi-"

" I hate you Jimin!! I hate you! I will never forgive you for playing with my feelings. "

She sobs a bit as she turns around and walks away leaving heartbroken Jimin behind. He looks at his ring , he slowly picks it up holding it close to him as he lets tears escape his eyes. His heart clenched painfully, it throbbed painfully.

He watched Soha who was walking away as he immediately goes behind her.

He stands in front of her stopping her on her path. She looks away from his direction folding her arms.

" You know what Soha, trust is the first step of any relationship and if you don't trust me enough to have a relationship with me then it's actually fine that you are rejecting it so initially.... but one day hopefully you could trust me...  I hope it's not too late by then... but... now I will never disturb you again, I will never cross your path. It's over Soha, if you want this then I will let it happen too. "

She scoffs as she walks away without sparing a glance at his direction as Jimin closes his eyes in pain. He falls on his knees and cries his heart out.

" My past sins follows me everywhere, they won't let me live peacefully. I think whatever happened it's good for both of us but... I will never stop loving you Soha, if not you then nobody else! "
His heart pained.


" Y/N I haven't seen Jimin since yesterday." Taehyung questions concerned
"  I am so worried for Jimin, Tae he hasn't eaten anything since yesterday, is he okay?"

" I don't know let's see."

Y/N brings Jimin's breakfast as she knocks his door and  calls his name several times, finally Jimin opens his door. Y/N gets worried on seeing his condition. She makes him sit as she sits beside him.

" Jimin you don't look well. What happened?"    

"Is something bothering you?"

Y/N and Taehyung questions

" I am fine noona, hyung really I am just feeling a bit sleepy since yesterday."

She caresses his hair.

" You haven't even eaten anything since yesterday, come  have breakfast. "

" I am not feeling like - "

" Hush! I am not taking your no."

She herself starts feeding him as Taehyung's heart warms up, she really takes care of their family infact Taehyung feels much relieved now he doesn't need to stress much about Jimin and Jungkook  when y/n is by his side. She handles everything so well and takes care of everyone , he thinks it is  such a blessing to have her in his life.


Y/N calls Soha one day before her flight  and asks her to visit the main office of her organisation to collect documents and keep them safe with her until her arrival.

A Love like Ours || V Min Kook ffWhere stories live. Discover now