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" I am on my way Jimin you can't even wait for five minutes!"

Hana cuts the call as she smiles but before she can get in her car a reporter spots her.

" Ma'am! Ma'am!! We want to know about the status of your and Park Jimin's relation."

" We are just friends. "

Reporter nods.

" But ma'am rumors say"

" I don't care what rumors say, even if you are in a relationship you should keep it private!"

Hana winks as she smiles before getting inside her car.

She joins Jimin in a cafe.

" Order whatever you want!"

He folds his hand and sits back with a expressionless face.

" Atleast smile Jimin, we are here to celebrate our new milestone of being awarded as popular television show."

Jimin nods as he huffs, Hana shakes her head.

" I just saw your live interaction with that reporter. Hana why did you say that last line it wasn't needed at all, it just increased their suspicion and supported the rumors in indirectly. "

Hana gasps as if offended.

" How rude! I was just giving her a piece of advice that you should keep your relationships private and not announce them publicly. "

" Still-"

" Now forget it! Let's concentrate on lunch Yeah? "
She passed the menu to Jimin.

" I am not interested, you wanted a party so I am here to give you just that. "

She pouts.

" Fine! Then we will share from my food. "

" Hana-"

" Shush! "

Jimin sighs as he gets engrossed in his phone.

Just then their order number is announced.

" Wait I will get it. "

Jimin speaks as he leaves for the counter.
Hana puts her face on her palms and stares at him.

" Such a cutie he is! God i feel so lucky to have him sometimes " She smiles to herself as she continues to admire him, he runs his hand through his hair to fix them as her heart flutters, she loved how his arms muscles flexed as he holds the order trays in both hands . She wonders if she will ever be held by them lovingly, if he will ever reciprocate her feelings.
She finds his manbun so sexy and when he dances with opened hair she doesn't even blinks while looking at her.

Jimin holds the order trays and walks towards her. He keeps the trays in front of her and gestures her to eat as she smiles. She takes the first bite and and then takes the second spoon and extends her hand towards Jimin.

" I don't feel like eating."

" Please Jimin! For meeee please!!" She pouts and requests him alot but he denies.

" Fine!"

He takes another spoon and takes a bite himself as she sighs getting a little hurt while retrieving her hand back but smiles later on seeing him eating.

She quickly comes out of restaurant before Jimin  and pinches out the air from her car's tyre and makes a worried face while holding her head.

" Is everything okay Hana?"

A Love like Ours || V Min Kook ffWhere stories live. Discover now