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Soha feels Jiha's movements and then her laughs as she smiles that maybe some stranger is playing with her. She turns around to see who is making Jiha laugh but finds noone as she shrugs  her shoulders and continues with her shopping.

"What happened Hana? What are you doing?"
Jimin questions Hana who was pulling his wrist and dragging him outside the store in hurry along with her.
She quickly keeps the products on the counter.

" Hurry up Jimin go out and start the engine we are getting late!. "
" But-"
" Just go! Leave!! "
She pushes him out of  mart in hurry and sighs in relief as he gets seated in the car, she quickly looks around

* Few minutes back *

" I should get these diapers too."
Hana picks up some packets that's when she hears the sound of a baby as she looks beside her and finds a women talking on the phone with a baby girl in her arms.
Hana's eyes widens as she recognised Soha. She is indeed beautiful as Jimin described her which makes her jealous , Hana observes her for few more seconds to think that what does Soha have that she lacks because of which Soha was able to win Jimin's heart, which seemed to be impossible for Hana.  Soha feels weird because of her stare. Hana also observes a baby in her arms. Is it her baby? Is she married or what? Hana questions to herself but then she remembers that even Jimin is in the same store too and she can't let them meet at any cost. She rushes leaving all the diapers as Soha looks at her wierdly.
Her heartbeats increased as her heart drops at the thought of them meeting each other. She starts searching for Jimin everywhere and at last finds him as her eyes widens on seeing him interacting with baby in Soha's arms she immediately holds his wrist and pulls him away from there before Soha can turn around.

* Present*

" I told you Soha I would never let you meet Jimin again. Never!!" Hana looks back with jealousy in her eyes.

Hana takes the gift and leaves that place with Jimin while Soha was still busy in shopping with Jiha.


Shinae gets ready for her first date with Gngguk and steps out of her house searching for cabs online like she always do on dates with her boyfriend.

"Oh I didn't tell Mike about all this shit! I should tell him everything before going on these dates otherwise he might feel cheated, I hope he will understand my situation."

She tries to call him several times and he pucks up atlast to scold her that he is busy in a meeting.

" Aishhh! These cabs have gone so much expensive these days, which one should I go for? "

She steps out of her apartment and finds several metallic expensive black cars standing in line, she gasps on finding Gngguk standing in front of one of those cars, he was well groomed and well  dressed in dark blue shirt and black pants as he held a bouquet in his hands. He looked so good that she had to force her eyes off him.
She feels nervous under his stare as she waves him a 'hi' he smiles at her and bows in reply.

She looked so gorgeous in that black gown and those glossy lips which were making his heart flutter, he never knew that someone  can have this much effect on him ever.

" Here these are for you, they are your favourite I guess."

" T-tulips yes! I love them but how did you know?"
She was really surprised.

Gngguk chuckles as he opens the door of  passager seat for her.

" You have made it so obvious in your social media how would I not know. "

" Really? Is it that obvious? " she questions while taking a seat.
" Yes my lady most of your posts are about them." Gngguk closes her door as he walks towards other side to sit on driver seat.

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