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Sooooo finally after a long wait Season 2 is here. Enjoy...

Now when spring is here,
I hope I will meet you soon.
And this time when we meet,
It will be forever ❤️.........



Time Skip after 1 year..... 🌼

Y/N returns home from her part time job.
She opens the door of her flat, that's when a delicious scent of food being cooked hits her nostrils.

She smiles on seeing Taehyung's office bag on their couch, that means he is home early today.

She enters their kitchen and finds him in apron cooking for them. She leans on the door and decides to admire him for sometime with hearts in her eyes as that smile never leaves her lips.

Taehyung turned around to reach Oven that's when he noticed her presence. A wide smile forms on his face.

" Hey love !" he opens his arms with a wide smile as Y/N rushes in his arms finding her home back  after a long tiring day.

" How was your day?"
" Hmm good!"

She murmurs on his chest as he smiles pecking her forehead. He caresses her hair as they stay like that for sometime with their hearts beating in sync.

" How come you are home early today Tae?"
Y/N questions him.
" Ah you know boss was upset from our work . He even yelled at me along with other employees few days back as he wasn't happy with my work but then I worked harder to prove him how hardworking Kim Taehyung is, I finished all the pending files a day before their deadline and took leave early today to spend time with my wife. Though he wasn't happy with me leaving so early but I don't care . "

They part from hug and he walks towards other side of kitchen to reach cabinets as Y/N's eyes  glistens that how this man was a CEO himself few months back and how people are treating him differently now. Things must have been much more tougher for him than her as he was used to that luxury and power that comes with money .
She leaves to take a shower, atleast  thats what she says to Taehyung because she didn't wanted him to see her getting all emotional as he is looking so happy today.

Taehyung stirs the pan.
" And it's done. Taste it. "
Taehyung takes a spoonful of soup and extends it towards her mouth as she tastes it.

" Hmm I loved it!"
Taehyung smiles. Y/N takes the spatula from his hand 

" Now you go and freshen up I will serve it for us till then."

Taehyung joins her on dinner table as she serves him and her dinner.

" Where is Tannie Tae?"

" He is with Jungkook. He was missing him today so I told him to take him for today. "

Y/N nods.

After dinner they both were washing dishes together as Taehyung was drying the utensils. Taehyung noticed how Y/N is feeling a little off today. He is quick to understand that it's because he told her about how he is being treated at his workplace, he mentally cursed himself for spilling that information in front of her.
He decides to lighten up her mood that's when his eyes shine with mischief as he applies  some  soap bubble on her nose catching her offgaurd.

He laughs as she gasps.
He applies some more on her cheeks and starts laughing at her.

" Omg you are looking so pretty y/n. Wait! "

A Love like Ours || V Min Kook ffWhere stories live. Discover now