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Today Soha was really excited as it was her first ever fashion show as a fashion designer. She was dolled up in one of the beautiful dresses of her own.
She checked on models who were going to present her dresses in the show, backstage.
She breathed out nervously as her eyes shined with new hopes with new happiness that finally her dreams are converting to reality.

Just then she spots someone as her breath hitched. It was Jimin who appeared as her sponser.
Media surrounded him immediately asking about Soha and the investment of their company into her boutique. They called Soha to stand beside him.

He was left breathless by her beauty, she was looking  so divine that he felt like he should bow down in prayer. A beautiful fallen angel indeed  who was epitome of purity, and if offered he would also give up heaven in exchange of her. She was light of his life, light which showed him the path of love.

They side hugged as formal greeting and Jimin closed his eyes drowning in her perfume.

His heart swells as she stands beside him. Photographs ask them to stand closer to click pictures. Jimin holds her waist making sure not to touch her too much.
After the photo session media started bombarding them with questions.

" There are claims like your company sponsored her because she is Mrs Kim Taehyung's  sister. Is it true Mr Park?"

Soha bitters at these questions, she is being bombarded with such questions recently alot. Jimin noticed as Soha tensed. He squeezed her shoulder lightly to assure her and calm her down.

" Oh no obviously these claims are just rumours, Miss Soha is really a talented fashion designer Infact she got our sponsorship way back before the marriage of her sister to my hyung."   He scoffs. " People really can't see a talented women getting successful. Miss Soha is such a hardworking and talented  woman, it was her impressive designs that attracted our attention.... "
He looks at Soha as his heart swelled four times when she looked up at him in admiration ." You all will witness her talent shortly in this fashion show. "

He walks away with Soha as she breaths in relief.
" Thank you Jimin! "
" There is no need to thank me Soha, I just stated facts."
He shrugged his shoulders as Soha smiled.

Jimin takes his reserved place in V. V. I. P section.
Soha observes him from a distance, she has been getting attracted to him recently. She smiled as Jimin laughed with other guests. Her smile immediately drops as she observes a female guest who takes seat beside Jimin, she looked so stunning in that thigh slit low neck dress. She was so lean and thin unlike her chubby body, why would Jimin even look at her in presence of so many beautiful women around him, she was nothing as compared to them. They were rich and classy unlike her who is struggling for her dreams. She walks away.

Jimin was on his way back from washroom when he overhears a conversation of a woman on phone.

" Don't worry that new fashion designer will learn her place soon in this industry, she is so happy for her debut but alas! She has no idea what is awaiting for her."

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows.

" Nothing much I just ripped some stitches of her dress that she is supposed to wear at last while standing between her models. You have seen such wardrobe malfunction accidents happening with models in past  but this time  history will be  created as fashion designer will go through it.... "

She chuckles evily as she continues to speak . Jimin's eyes widens in horror.
He rushed backstage to meet Soha, to  protect his love at all costs.
He asks the assistant to call Soha but she refused to meet him. He tried to call her several times.

She cuts his calls after changing into final dress , she breaths as her heart still pained from thoughts going inside her head after she saw him with that female guest. He is a player probably playing with her heart just like other women because what's so special in her that he would be serious for her. He probably wants to have little fun with her.

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