S2-27 ❤️

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Mr Kim sat with his back against the wall he was devastated after hearing that noone wants to see him now , maybe thats what he deservs . Suddenly his prison is knocked as he is told that he has a visitor . His face lights up as he felt so happy that he almost cried . He immediately rushed to meet that person .

He observes a figure carrying a baby walking towards him in dark . His eyes widens as she walks in light to enter the visitors room . He immediately recognizes her as his past flashed in front of his eyes making him burdened by guilt . He looks at the baby in her arms as he gulps guessing that it could be his grandchild.

Soha stands in front of him as his eyes never leave from Jiha in front of his eyes .

" M-my grandchild?"
He looks at Soha with teary eyes .
He walks to hold her but Soha steps away from him.

" Yes, your grandchild , the one you wanted to get aborted . The one whom you wished was  dead even before she was born ."

Mr Kim closes his eyes as his heart clenched in pain , he immediately retrieves his hand away from Jiha realising he doesn't deserves to hold her .

" I am not here because I forgave you or something like that I am just here for the sake of humanity to fulfill the last wish of a dying man ."

" I-I understand!"
He is unable to make eye contact with her as his eyes lowers in guilt and shame .

" B-But thank you daughter! Thank you atleast I got to see my grandchild and apologise to her ."

He gets on his knees as Soha gasps and steps back .
Mr Kim apologises to Jiha as she makes some baby noise when Mr Kim stands up . Just then he remembers something as he retrieves it from his pocket .

" This is my wedding ring give it back to its rightful owner , your mother in law . I wanted to give it back myself but she hates me too much to even see my face ."

Soha takes the ring from his hand as he continues to stare at Jiha , Jiha the only child from third generation of their family who got to meet her grandfather. Soha leaves from that place with Jiha .

Mr Kim stands there and accepts it as his punishment that he didn't even got to hold his first grandchild but now he can die and live at peace at afterlife that atleast he apologised to his grandchild and returned the ring to rightfull owner .

Soha moves out of that room which was covered in huge tinted glass windows where everything inside the room was visible from outside but person inside the room cannot see outside those tinted windows that is why Mr Kim didn't see Mrs Kim standing outside the room observing everything from glass window . She just couldn't stop herself from coming here though she still didn't wanted to meet him .

Soha handovers her the ring as she immediately recognizes it . Soha takes her in hug by one of her arms just like Jimin would have done  if he would have been there .
Mrs Kim weeped a little on her shoulder while she caresses her hair getting emotional herself. Only she knows how difficult was it to make it to this place with Mrs Kim and Jiha as Jimin was totally against them visiting that place but then she convinced him though he he did not visit with them so in his absence she played his role in taking care ofJiha and Mrs Kim.


Areum enters with Yoongi in one of his old apartments as her eyes widens on finding it in complete mess and dirt with spider webs all around.

" Umm when was the last time you visited your apartment?"

" I know it's a bit messy because I don't live here mostly,  I am always out on business trips but this apartment is very special to me as this is the place from where I started my journey from bottom to top of Korea . So we are going to live here after cleaning this place ."
He looks at her shocked expression as she was looking around everywhere.
" and this is the place from where I want to start the journey of my married life too . "

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