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Soha enters the main building of Kim industries she gasps at the beautiful luxurious interiors. Huge glass windows and people dressed professionally everywhere.
' This place is calling me poor in so many languages, I wonder how y/n unnie will handle this all.' She spots the receptionist.

" Umm excuse me"

She looks at Soha.

" How can I help you."

" I want to meet Kim Taehyung."

Receptionist raises her eyebrow as she looks at her from top to bottom and that's when it hits Soha that she just casually said that she wants to meet the The CEO .

" Do you have a appointment? "

" Appointment? Ah actually he is my brother in law so I don't think s-"

She didn't even completed her sentence as the receptionist bowed at her already leading her to Taehyung's office.
Finally after spending a good amount of time in lift she reached the floor as instructed by receptionist, she noticed Jimin's office on her way to Taehyung's office. Jimin was having conversation with one of his employee  at the door but as soon as his eyes met with Soha he nearly chocked on air . Soha bows at him and he does same still dumbfounded.

" Ma'am please wait for five minutes sir is in a meeting I will just go and inform him about your arrival."

Taehyung's middle aged female assistant speaks as she leaves waiting Soha outside Taehyung's office. She spots two ladies who were sipping on their coffee and she overhears their conversation.

" Though  boss is cold but  is a kindhearted man indeed , after buying that land for our next project, he literally shifted homeless people who were living on that land  illegally to 'Kims charity flats for homeless '. How kind and considerate he is."

" Yeah otherwise there was no need to think about such homeless  people it wasn't their land anyways. "

" He is Mrs Kim's son after all, exactly like ma'am. "
Her colleague nods.

"  I have heard Boss is getting married. "
" Lucky her , she would get such a loyal man. "
" Exactly! unlike Senior Mr Kim who used to eye every female employee here  junior Kim is so respectful towards women, he has created such a safe environment for us to work ."

Soha's heart swells up  after hearing their conversation, her thinking about Taehyung completely changed as her doubts on him melts away replaced by guilt for doubting him at first place and that's when she got assured that her sister is actually getting married to a right man.

Soon Taehyung returns from meeting as he calls for Soha.

" May I enter oppa." Soha gives him a bright smile as Taehyung smiles back welcoming her . She takes a seat in front of him while Taehyung orders for some refreshments for her. He asks for  her purpose of visit.

" Oppa I want your signatures on these papers of my boutique."
" Oh of course give them to me. It might take a while to read these. You make yourself comfortable here  and enjoy the snacks I have ordered for you . "
Soha grins and nods as she handovers  him the papers .   Taehyung goes through them.

"  Hmm...it's under Jimin's department, Soha you will require his signatures. " Soha rolls her eyes internally at his name.

" let me call him."

Taehyung just rings his phone and he is already  inside with phone ringing in his hands.

" Yes hyung! You called? "
Taehyung looks at him dumbfounded.

" Were you standing on the door and probably eavesdropping Jimin??"

Taehyung asks shocked as Jimin rubs his nape in embarrassment.

" N-No it's not like that... I was on my way to your cabin  anyways. "

Taehyung shakes his head in disbelief.

" God knows whats on your mind always, anyways, come here and take a seat Soha needs your signatures. "

Jimin looks at Soha as his heart flutters. He takes a seat beside her already drowning in her lavender fragrance. Soha handovers him the papers as Taehyung gets a call, he walks outside to attend the call leaving them alone while Soha was mentally praying him to not to leave her with Jimin alone.
Jimin takes his time to go through the papers. He looks back at her.

" Your papers are perfect."
He orders for a voice recorder.

" It is the policy of our company, you will have to read this last page so that I can record it as a proof of our  sponsorship."

Soha nods, she takes the papers from his hands and starts reading as Jimin pressed the record button.

He sits back to watch her read with hearts in his eyes. He admires her simplicity, her hardworking nature and the way she is struggling alone for her boutique, she is a warrior indeed who fights her own fights. Though he has found his happiness in admiring her from a distance but he wonders what if someday she accepts his proposal then  things will be so different and beautiful.

Sometimes even he is shocked that how come his feelings towards her are so pure when all he did in his entire life was just casual datings, hookups and one night stands.
How many times he is surprised, thinking why scents of prayers come from his  love. As soon as his lips touch  her  name he  feels like he should bow down in prayer. He wonders if she will leave this divinity and come back to the earth  just to stay with him forever ❤️..
He wishes to give her all the love and  happiness of this world , he wonders  if someday he melts the moon to adorn her with beautiful  earrings made out of it, then he thinks she will  understand what he couldn't say.

He smiles to himself as Soha waves her hands infront of him to break his thoughts. Jimin immediately comes back to his senses as he holds the recorder.
" So Miss Choi Soha"
'and my future Mrs Park aishh.. Jimin concentrate!'

" Do you abide by the rules of our company."

" I Do."

That's it Jimin's eyes widens as his breath hitches at those two words  and he forgets to breath for few seconds, his heart beats increase and he has to close his eyes tightly to contain those feelings inside. He takes a deep breath to calm down himself. He opens his eyes with a smile.

" Okay then we are done with the formalities now...  let me sign these papers of yours hmm."

Soha nods as Jimin starts signing turning the pages one after the other. Soha couldn't stop herself from staring at his side profile no wonder he is a casanova because his charms are unbeatable, only if he wasn't involved with so many women then things would have been differ-... She looks away.

Taehyung enters the office  as Soha bids them goodbye. She hugs Taehyung wholeheartedly for the first time.

" Oh i forgot to ask. So how was the date of you and unnie went?" 

" Yeah even I wanted to ask this."

Jimin questions as Soha nods at him chuckling.

" It actually... Umm.. Yeah its was good."
" What did you guys talk about. I hope you didn't bore my noona. "
" No Jimin unnie can never get bored she is a chatterbox, Oppa i hope she was considerate enough for  your ears. "

Jimin and Soha chuckles.

" So did you guys  planned your future together like wedding, honeymoon and childr-"

" Yeah enough! It's time for you both to leave now. " Taehyung gets flustered.

He holds the wrists  of Jimin and Soha and drags them both out of his office.

" But but oppa-"  " Hyung at least listen to m-"

Taehyung shuts  his door as Soha and Jimin breaks into laughter.


A/N - get ready for Y/N and Taehyung's wedding part. 🥰

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