S2- 12

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"Areum! Areum!! Where are you going?"
Mrs Kim asks Areum who was walking out of the house with luggage in her hands.

" Oh I forgot to tell you mom. I am going on a trip with my friends in Las Vegas! I'll be back soon. " She puts on her goggles.

" You are telling me now? And that to when I asked you!"

" Mom please! Don't spoil my mood!"

Mrs Kim gasps at her rude tone as she walks out of the house.


" Finally it's the games period of children so I can have some rest."

Shinae speaks as she sits in the staff room.

An old lady teacher moves near her and  speaks
" Miss Shinae my husband told me that your boyfriend got promotion in their workplace after the  arrival of their new female boss. He said that they they both seem to be very close... But I told him that no it's not possible as he is committed to Miss Shinae... Are you both still together or"

Shinae knows that she is here for her to spill the tea about her relationship and she can't give her just that.

" Yes we broke up!"

" What?" old teacher gasps in shock as Shinae chuckles internally.

" How? When? Why? Did you find someone new??" She bombarded her with questions.

" Yes!" She chuckles internally again on seeing the change of expressions of her face and how shocked she is. She really loves to play with such people who are nosy about others lives .

" Who are you with you now then ?"

" Miss Shinae!"
Their school principal calls the name of Shinae as all the teachers stands up  to respect him.

" You didn't told me you were friends with"

Gngguk walks inside as Shinae gasps.

" Oh yeah! I-I am sorry sir."
" Don't apologise Shinae!" he chuckles as he turns to Gngguk and starts talking to him
" Thanks for your arrival sir it's an honor to have you here. What would you like to have..... "
while Gngguk was busy in looking at her with love and adoration and even Shinae was unable to take her eyes off him.

" Is he the one Miss Shinae!" that old teacher whispered in her ears as she looks towards her and then at him again and  feels loss of words.

She shakes her head in denial.

" I see you are trying to protect your relationship from evil eyes. Me and your uncle used to do same we never claimed to be together in start be we used to meet often and people used to stare at us suspiciously." she giggles

" Why are you here?"
She whisper asks Gngguk as he walks beside her.

" I got some presents for the children of this school like drawing books  game sets. I do some charity works under my sister in law Y/N noona she has involved all of us family members into it, this time I requested her to choose your school. "

" Oh!" Shinae blushes at his straightforward nature.

" Wait! Choi Y/N? She is your sister in law?? "
She asks surprised as Gngguk nods smiling at her.

" Wow I really admire her, she is one strong woman. After her father died stereotypical people thought that now his charity work will stop because he has no son but Miss Y/N handled everything on her own. I love and admire her alot , she is an idol to me!"
" Really? "
Shinae nods.
" Wanna meet her someday? "
" I-is it possible? "
" Of course! "
" OMG! Thank you Gngguk " she chirps excitedly as Gngguk smiles at her.

A Love like Ours || V Min Kook ffWhere stories live. Discover now