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In the break time when Jimin was busy in having lunch with Y/N, Soha's friend speaks.

" I think Mr Park has a thing for you Soha."

" What??"

" How come you don't now? I mean anybody can tell just by the way he looks at you so lovingly."

Soha turns her head to side and finds him staring at her but he quickly looks away.

" I don't - don't believe it."

" Then look at the common mirror and watch him ."

Soha looks at the common mirror which covers almost the entire wall  in front of her and finds him looking at her again. She gasps on finding him looking at her with hearts in his eyes. As the time passes Soha recalls all the past incidents with him and connects the dots, she almost gets confirmed of what her friend was telling but still she wasn't ready to accept it yet and that's when she stands up collecting her belongings leaving that rose bouquet behind her, she leaves.

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows.

" Where is Soha going noona?"

" back to her boutique I guess. She is really busy these days."

Jimin nods understanding.
He watched as she left those rose bouquet behind her.
" Oh she forgot the bouquet, I will give it to her myself."


Jimin drops y/n at their house as he drives to Soha's boutique.

" Mam Mr Park is waiting for you outside."

" What!"
' Why can't he leave me alone what's wrong with him!!' Soha murmurs to herself she is already suffering from so many emotions at a time which is irritating her, she is just unable to digest the fact that how can Jimin have feelings for her and are they even genuine or he is playing around with her just like other women, maybe she is his next target. She will never forgive him if that is the case she just can't stand breaking of her heart and she is quick to build walls around her heart.

She comes out of her cabin. Jimin smiles at her.

" Here you forgot these."

He handovers her the rose bouquet as her workers starts murmuring amongst themselves.
Soha takes them as she places them on desk folding her hands.

" Anything else? "
She speaks a bit rudely as Jimin shakes his head in denial. He looks around to find a excuse to stay a bit longer.

" Well if you want my help in anything then I am here." He wants to spend some more time with her .

" Oh really Anything?" Soha raises a eyebrow as Jimin nods smiling.

" Anything then." She smirks

She spots an elderly couple entering her boutique as she smirks.
" Can you see those elderly couple i need your help with them. "
Jimin nods happily as he thought that he will get to spend time with her now .

" Uncle Aunty  please remove your shoes before entering, don't worry they will be taken care of. . "

" Come on Jimin go and help them in removing their shoes and don't forget to clean their footwears  afterwards . "

" Clean?" He hesitates
Soha nods as she smirks internally.
" Yes clean them, it will leave a good impression on them. "

She asks the workers to leave.

" Today Jimin will help me . "

Jimin looks at Soha as he is unable to understand that why is she behaving this way but nevertheless Jimin gets ready to do whatever she says. Soha smirks to herself that now he will give up and make excuses afterall why would a wealthy man like him do such tasks.

He bends down and holds the shoes of uncle as he helps him in removing it, that's when Soha's smirk fades.

" Thank you for your  help  son. "
" It's alright uncle, you both are like my grandparents though I have never seen my grandparents but I would have helped them the same. Here you go..."

He removes both the shoes of uncle. Soha's heart ached as she knows his family history.

" Grandma let me help you."

He helps the granny in removing her shoes. She pats his head.

" Your wife would be so lucky to have you my son. Thank you so much for your help. May God bless you son. "

Jimin smiles as granny caresses his cheeks.

They both walks inside as he starts cleaning their shoes everybody in the store gasps. Tears brimmed Soha's eyes as her heart melts but she blinks quickly to hide them.

" And done... Anything else Soha? " He smiles

Soha was more than overwhelmed to even speak as her throat goes dry.

" Y-you can leave now Jimin ." She looks away unable to look into his eyes.
" Umm... Okay. " Jimin thinks she might be busy now with the costumers so it would be better to let her work and not disturb her so Jimin leaves as Soha walks inside.

Granny noticed everything that how Soha was feeling down throughout so when it was time to leave now, she stops Soha whispering to her .

" Please don't ever lose such kindheartedmale  who can keep even his self respect at the sake for you. Please cherish him my child for you have been blessed with such a perfect man ."

Grandma leaves the store leaving Soha who was messed up by her emotions, she looks at the bouquet brought by Jimin and that's when a tear escaped her eyes.

' I hope you are not playing with my feelings Park.'


Taehyung enters the home after a long tiring day. Y/N was already waiting for him with Tannie in her arms. He wants to hug her so bad. He was envious of Tannie who gets to feel that warm, comfortable loving embrace of y/n everyday and here he stands deprived of the arms of his own wife.
He looks at Tannie who was wiggling in Y/N's arms to be with Taehyung.
He takes Tannie in his arms as he pecks his nose, y/n gets envious of Tannie too, how come he gets all the welcome kisses and warm hugs from her husband while here his wife stands deprived of them.

Jimin calls for Tannie as Taehyung lets him down. Jimin holds him up in his arms and walks away.

' Always spoiling special romantic moments of your mom dad, don't you want younger siblings or what? Let them be with each other you spoiled little  boy. ' Jimin whisper scolds Yeontan in his arms.

Taehyung usually leaves but today he wants that hug from y/n . Y/N understands his hesitance as she chuckles internally that even he is suffering.

She walks forward and takes him in her embrace wrapping her arms around his neck. Taehyung holds her closer to him by her waist.

" Welcome back Tae!"
Taehyung blushes he really loves it when she calls him by his nickname. They stay in eachothers embrace feeling calm and loved.
Now Taehyung understands why Yeontan loves y/n's embrace so much while y/n was already melting in the arms of her husband.

They part with their increased  hearts beats.
She serves him the dinner as Taehyung tells her about his day and asks about her day and when she starts speaking she doesn't stops anytime soon not that he minds. He really enjoys listening to her.

At night Taehyung turns around and finds y/n sleeping while facing towards him . He admires her sleeping figure . He sees the hand placed in front of her face as she sleeps, his hands twitching again to hold his wife.
He slowly brings his hand beside her then slowly he places his pinky finger on her hand, then half of his hand and slowly moves to hold her whole hand that's when y/n smiles with her  eyes still closed, she holds his hand interlacing their fingers as Taehyung smiles too closing his eyes to fall asleep while holding hands.


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