S2 - 24 ♥️

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Shinae calls Gngguk's secretary with help of head gaurd to explain him her plan  .

" Maam there is something that I wanted to tell you from so long ."

" Go ahead Mr Lee ( Gngguk's secretary)"

" Maam, boss was present in that low grade club after I informed him about you being there , he has sent me to gift you  flowers  but when i reached your flat you were missing so i tried to search you through my connections and thats when i got to know where you are . He doesn't visits such places  , he stays away from woman , infact you are the first woman he got close to for the first time ."

Shinae's heart pains .

" I know I misunderstood your boss back then but not anymore . Now I will try to get him back. "

She explains them her plan ,
though they hesitate at first at her plan but Shinae assures them that she will be okay .

She ties a scarf around her face and opens her hair after touching up her makeup . She knows that she  would definitely grab his attention this way .

She enters the meeting hall during snacks and liquor break along with other workers.
She gestures his secretary to dim the light as she steps up on a single huge round table placed in between the couches . She immediately gets the attention of everyone including Gngguk who furrows his eyebrows because he clearly remembers that he hasn't called any entertainer .
All the men started thanking Gngguk for planning surprise entertainment for the evening.

Gngguk glares at his secretary who apologetically bows his head and Gngguk understands that she is called by his men instead .

" Sorry boss just wanted to uplift your mood ."

Gngguk knows that his men were worried for him so he let's it slip but just this time .

His secretary moves back and shows thumbs up to Shinae who smirks under the scarf already looking at Gngguk who got  busy on his phone .

Soon music plays as Shinae starts her performance . She was looking absolutely stunning while dancing in her high heels as she made all the men inside the room swoon over her but Gngguk didn't spared even a glance at her which warms up her heart , God!  she has really urned a loyal gentleman for herself which made her fall for him even more .

She bites her lips as she walks towards Gngguk's side of table . She bends on one of her knees and runs her hands on her legs travelling them upwards she feels herself but still he doesn't spares a glance while men around them were awestruck as they even forgot to drink the liquor in their hands and just satred at her .

She gets down and sits beside Gngguk who shifts  aside a little . She tries to touch him but he sternly shows his hand warning her to stay away impressing her even more .

She stands in front of him as he looks up but she slowly removes her scarf as Gngguk's eyes widens . She walks backwards slowly while smirking at him . She gets up back on the table and shows him some moves and this time Gngguk's condition was same as other men present there . She dances in her high heels as her hair sways in hair swaying Gngguk's heart along with them .
Suddenly one of them whistles as Gngguk comes out of his world , he looks around and finds all men looking towards her like predators as his possessiveness strikes . The more she danced the more they did hooting the more Gngguk's heart burned in possessiveness and anger .

He gets up from his seat as their eyes lock . Shinae smirks as she travels her hands up from her neck to face sensually, which played with  strings of Gngguk's heart and made him feel hot , suddenly he looks at a man who was trying to climb up the table too, he  clenches his fists as he growled.

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