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"Oh no my rent is due of last month and I  got the notice of this month too ! I really need to arrange money. " she bites her lower lip in nervousness. " I will have to  do more than one part time job this month to meet the expenses..... I need to hide this letter from Unnie otherwise she will try to give money from her savings that she has saved for her baby. "

" Have you taken your lunch Shinae?"

" Yes Soha Unnie. Okay then bye I'll be back in evening  . Do you want me to get something for you on my way? "

" No! Just come back safe. "

Shinae leaves the flat she was sharing with her flatmate.

" Hmm I have to take my students on a picnic today and then I have a date to attend with my boyfriend. "

She smiles as she leaves that place getting excited for her evening date.


" Boss we reached the place!"

Gngguk gets down as some men escorts him.
He looks around.

" What kind of place is this to lock the deal." He shakes his head as he looks around at the abondoned park.

He takes a seat on one of the benches as one of his men quickly brings his iPad to him, he checks the details of each and every gun to be sold to another group. That's when he hears some giggles which distracts him as he lifts his head up to see the source.
He finds a woman giggling and playing with children.

" I thought it's an abondoned place?"
He looks towards one of his men who is a localite to that place.

" Actually boss if you observe closely these are the children who aren't mentally well they are different from normal children so they have a separate school and that women is their teacher. Unlike other cities we have just one school of this kind . "

Gngguk nods as he leans forwards to observe them more closely that how those children were so happy, chirping and giggling around their teacher. She even brought some candy floss for the children as they surround her excitedly jumping for their turns to get the treat. Their excited giggles can heared from a distance too.
She seems to be a kind lady, someone who takes her job  seriously as it brought a little smile on his face.
That's when a little boy tucked at her sweater  as she kneeled at his level. He laughed and blushed as he handovers a little bouquet of small flowers wrapped in a big leaf as that brought a big smile on her face, she appreciates him for his creativity and ruffles his hair. Gngguk smiled along with her as his men passed glances among each other and smiled on seeing their boss showing interest in someone for the first time.

After that all the children were trying their best to show their creativity as they called for her excitedly. She pats their heads and appreciates each one of their hardwork and creativity as she received several little bouquets.
She sat on a bench tired and what she did next was enough to make Gngguk's heart skip a beat. She neatly placed those bouquets in her diary and smiled placing that diary in her purse, she valued the emotions and hardwork of her students.

" She seems to be a keeper right boss?"
Gngguk's secretary whispered in his ears as Gngguk smiles while nodding. That's when he looks towards his secretary who was smiling at him and other men who were looking at him with smiles on their faces too. He immediately makes a serious face while fixing his throat.

" Y-Yeah! Focus on the deal, we aren't here for picnic!" he  fake scolds them as he again starts scrolling his iPad.

He takes another glance of her as she was arranging the kids in a line getting ready to leave the park. He noticed some flowers she placed in her hair which must be gifted by her students as this thought brought another smile on his face, it is for the first time that someone is able to distract him from his work. He wants to continue admiring her from afar  but to his bad she was leaving already.

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