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Y/N was in kitchen cooking the dinner for her family as it was her turn to cook dinner today.
She was talking to Jungkook who was having his apple while sitting on slab as he was talking about his day in university.
Just then y/n feels someone's presence behind her, she looks at Jungkook who coughs gesturing her to turn around.
She turns around and finds Taehyung standing just behind her as her heart leaps. 

" Welcome back Tae!, you are home early today."
She smiles and immediately engulfs him in a hug.
Taehyung smiles as his heart flutters and he hugs her back finally feeling peace, calm and loved in her embrace after a tiring day as he sighs in relief closing his eyes inhaling the scent of her lavender shower gel.

He opens his eyes and finds Jungkook still sitting there having his apple, he was smiling like a fool . Taehyung gestures him to leave, he scoffs silently and immediately gets down to leave.

On his way to outside  he finds Yeontan running towards Taehyung but he is quick to pick him up in his arms.

"  Leave your mom and dad alone for sometime Tannie, You are coming with me!"
He leaves with Yeontan.

They part from hug.

" Umm y/n I have a s-surprise for y-y-you."

Y/N's eyes widens in surprise

" Really Tae? What is it?"
She smiles brightly which flutters Taehyung's heart and for the first time he holds her hand without hesitation and pulls her along with him.
Y/N blushed as she looks at his hand holding her.

Taehyung pulls y/n outside the house with him, they meet Jimin on their way, who shows y/n thumbs-up as her cheeks heat up.

" Jimin! Weren't you supposed to bring Soha today."  Y/N asks
Taehyung stops

" We were on our way to here but then Aunty called up and  I had to drop her at  home, noona."

" Oh, so how did her show went?"

" Noona I will tell you everything later on, for now don't make hyung wait. "


Taehyung brings her near his car as he opens the trunk.

Y/N gasps loudly on finding it filled with flowers and chocolates. She looks at him in shock as he smiles.

" I forgot to bring present for you on our first date so here it is. "

" Oh Tae! Thank you so much."

She puts her hands on mouth as her eyes glistens a bit in happiness. She makes little space in the trunk and sits gesturing him to sit beside him. She opens a chocolate and feeds him as she eats herself just then something strikes her mind as she looks at the chocolates.

" Tae! They are too much."

She looks around once again.

" If you don't mind can I share them."


Taehyung stops his car infront of a building. He removes his coat and gets down in his office pants, white shirt with sleeves rolled up and loose tie. He helps y/n to carry the chocolates behind her. He looks at the board of the building as he gasps on realising that it was amongst the charity combined homes for orphans and elderly funded by his company.
Though his company runs them but he never got time to visit these places in person and this  was his first time .

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