S2 - 22 🌔

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Disclaimer - This chapter contains mentions of murders, heavy angst , people in depression are advised to skip this chapter ( you can ask for summary of this chapter in my  message box)


Mrs Kim looks at Taehyung and then at Jimin as they nod at her  .

They enter the Kim mansion as Jungkook follows them .

She opens the door of Kim Mansion and shouts calling for Mr Kim . He comes out of his room and starts walking down the stairs , he looks at his sons as a smirk forms on his face .

He walks towards them slowly and sits on the couch in front of them crossing his legs .

" Finally .....you all got to know my worth . I told you that you all will come back crawling on your knees and beg for forgiveness.  " He scoffs as Taehyung's heart pains on these harsh words of his father.

Mr Kim looks at their faces and thinks for a while
" I might still  allow Taehyung and Jungkook to work in my company as employees because this company will be inherited by my girlfriend's child " He smirks as he looks at Mrs Kim " because you know she is pregnant" he enjoyed  the sadness that suddenly refled in her eyes and then he sternly looks towards Jimin 

"Jimin , He  won't get anything , i will never forgive him ever . He can return back to rot at his old place  . " Jimin's heart clenched and for the first time he felt like an orphan .

" Time will decide , who will rot and who will flourish , Taeh-yun! (Mr Kim) ."

Mrs Kim speaks as Mr Kim raises his eyebrows at her new confidence.

" Oh ! So much confidence darling !! What's the reason of that ? Your useless sons, Yumi (mrs kim) ? " He scoffs but this time Mrs Kim smiles confidently and holds a rolled  paper in front of his face as he gets curious about it .

"What's that?"

" Your lifetime sins and karma summed up in a piece of paper !!"

She opens it and holds it in front of his face as his eyes widens and he almost stumbles on his feets falling back on couch unable to bear the shock.

" It clearly mentions that my father has named everything on the name of Taehyung not Taehyun! You were never his choice at first place , how can you even think that he will write your name on his will papers . Perhaps my father knew you better than me because I was blindfolded by your love at that time ."

Mr Kim thinks for a while as that scene when Mrs Kim's father was signing the will papers replays in his head .


Mr Kim was hiding outside the study room  of Mrs Kim's father . He was peeping inside the room knowing that tonight her father is going to  prepare his Will .
Mr Kim was busy buttering her father from some days in the name of his daughter and grandson Taehyung , that he needs to secure the future of them and should choose his successor wisely , someone who can take care of his daughter and grandson , someone who can handle this company well after him .

He tries to read the will as he was confident that her father will definitely choose him as his successor, so that he can take care of his company , daughter and grandson , he was also very confident because Mrs Kim's father really use to love Taehyung as his grandchild and for him he would definitely leave his proprety to Mr Kim for his good upbringing.

Some  lines were visible to Mr Kim

" ...and after my death my company,  property everything will be inherited by Mr Kim Taehyu...."

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