S2 - 14

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I'll miss you unnie!" Shinae pouts as Soha hugs her .

" I'll miss you too Shinae! By the way you never told me that you were friends with Gngguk."
Gngguk who was standing beside Shinae playfully lightly nudges Shinae as she gives Soha a nervous laugh.

"It's a long story that I will tell you someday later."
Soha nods.
Just then Jimin arrives with Jiha in his arms after they loaded all the luggage in car.

" I will miss Jiha the most. Can I hold her for one last time Jimin oppa!"
" Sure Shinae!" Jimin handovers her Jiha very carefully.
Shinae pecks Jiha as she plays with her for one last time.

" You can meet her whenever you plan to visit our city." Jimin speaks as he smiles.
" I will make sure to connect you with Jiha through video calls and calls Shinae!" Soha speaks as Jimin nods smiling as he holds Soha's shoulders squeezing her by his side.

" Sure oppa! Oh my baby I will miss you! "
She pecks her cheeks .

" I am so happy for you hyung, noona finally you both are back together but that's not fair you never told us that you both were together."

" We had planned everything but things just didn't go our way-" Jimin's smile drops a little.

" It's okay hyung you both are together and happy now, that's what we all want. "
Gngguk hugs his Jimin hyung.

Gngguk was happy for his hyung that they finally got old Jimin back.

Finally Soha leaves as she waves goodbye to Shinae.

" I will miss them so much! Why do they live in other city now how will I meet them whenever I wish. " She whines.

" My house is not far from them,  If you decide to make them your in laws in future let me know."

" Gngguk! You are always so chessy and flirty. Leave now! "

Although she pretends to be normal but get stomach definitely flutters.


Jimin was driving as Soha sat beside him with Jiha in her arms.

" How's everybody at home? "
" Everybody is doing good. Your mom, Irene and Y/N misses you a lot they all will be so happy after meeting you. Irene is a bit upset too you have to face her anger."
Jimin chuckles at the last sentence.

" I missed them too and about Irene I know how to handle my younger sibling so that's not a problem. "

Jimin smiles as he nods.

" Jiha and me, we both used to see your show on television Infact you were Jiha's favourite, whenever  she  cried we switched to your channel and she used to stop crying immediately. In the age of taking interest in cartoons she was interested in your show. "

" M-My daughter loved my show? I am her favourite?? "
He looked towards Soha so excitedly, his shined with amusement and a bright warm smile spreads on his face as if he has achieved the biggest goal of his life or won a lottery or his favourite team has won the soccer match. He turns to road moving  the steering wheel while Soha continues to stare at him.
Soha's heart warms up at his reaction she didn't knew Jiha can affect him so much, she will always keep that face of him in her favorite memories.

"Yes she loved you Jimin!"

Jimin smile brightens even more as both their eyes glistens a bit he felt so special today after knowing that his daughter loves him even before they have met and Soha she feels guilty of taking away those precious moments of her pregnancy and birth of his first  child . Soha extends her hand towards Jimin and holds it caressing it with her thumbs as Jimin looks into her glistening eyes mirroring his, he smiles at her to calm her down before looking towards in front while she caresses his hand with her thumb.

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