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Y/N orders for both of them while Taehyung sits their awkwardly poor workaholic man never had  dating experience ever in his life . He was a good observer though, so he observes couples around them to know what couples usually do on dates to get an idea for their future dates .

When y/n catches his attention, she was busy in finding something in her purse and Taehyung gets a good amount of time to admire her to appreciate how beautifully she is dressed today . y/n looks up to ask something from Taehyung but catches him staring at her. Taehyung looks away abruptly as she blushed a little.

" I mean it's okay you can check me out after all I am going to be your wife in a week."

" I-It's not like what y-you are thinking." Taehyung gets flustered

Y/N raises one of her eyebrow playfully. Then she chuckles at his flustered state.

" It's okay I am just kidding. " She chuckles and Taehyung breathes in relief as a  smile forms on his face. Unlike other women who tries  to cling on him, make him feel uncomfortable Y/N was none like that she was trying to be friendly with with him by joking around which was appreciated by Taehyung.

When they were busy in having their food Taehyung noticed how the boy sitting beside them welcomed his partner. He hugged her and pulls the chair back for her. He pecks the back of her hand and orders the food for them as he gifts her flowers and chocolates on their date. Taehyung takes a mental note keen to learn everything because even his woman deserves to be loved and cherished.

He looks at another couple entering the cafe the boy was holding his girl close to him by her shoulders. He sits with her as he holds her hands. Taehyung  looks at the hands of y/n which were busy with the fork and knife as his heart flutters at the thought of holding them someday.

Just then his phone rings and he looks at y/n as he slowly silenced it giving her priority.

He simply munches on his food while listening to all the words y/n has to share with him, he being a good listener and observer, observes that how her eyes widens when she gets excited about sharing something and how she forms a  cute little pout when she expresses  grief over something, how her eyes lightens up when she speaks of something which is of her interest and how she cutely scrunches her nose a little when she does not like something. He can literally sit and listen to her all day.

After they are done with food Taehyung drives her to home. She falls asleep being tired and he admires her silence the same. When they reach he wakes her up by calling her name softly multiple times.

" Hmm.. Let me sleep Irene."

Taehyung chuckles as he shakes her a bit. Y/N opens her eyes slowly and finds Taehyung beside her.
" Oh I am so sorry Taehyung. I will just leave."
" It's alright!" Taehyung smiles. Y/N bids him goodbye as he waves at her too smiling.


Irene throws her bag in rage as Jen flinches.

" Is everything like alright?" Jen asks cautiously.
" I was so excited for this dance play Jen Infact I was  also selected for the role of Juliet but then, then they choosed Jungkook for the role of Romeo like why, why in the world him? when they have so many other options. "

Jen presses her lips together to control her laugh.

" I mean this pairing is not bad though you both do look good together. "

" What! Are you out of your mind? Me and Jungkook... pair... Ewu! "

Irene makes a pukish expression as Jen shrugged her shoulders smiling at her.
Irene again picks up her bag.

" Where are you going? "
" For dance  play rehearsal with that prick! " She rolls her eyes as Jen giggles.

During  a part of dance play rehearsal Irene jumps and Jungkook was supposed to catch her but because of lack of coordination Irene falls on her hips.
She rolls her eyes at Jungkook and  didn't accepts his hand when he tried to pick her up as he was sorry.

They tried several times but failed. Their instructor showed faith in them  that they will achieve perfection soon. He leaves them both for coffee break and instructs them to keep trying till perfection is achieved.

Irene pokes her cheek with tongue.

" Let's try it one more time you better catch and  hold me this time Jeon."

" What! I am always ready to catch you to hold you  , it's you who is either jumping too fast or slow than  expected time ."

Though Jungkook didn't spoke this in a romantic way but it did something to butterflies in Irene's stomach as she scoffs to cover it up but this time again she jumps too quickly and Jungkook is unable to catch her. He bites his tongue  on seeing her fuming in anger.

Irene gets up as she strides towards Jungkook in rage  and holds his collars. Jungkook starts moving back as she moves towards him.

" You are doing it deliberately isn't it Jeon?"
Jungkook shakes his head in denial as she narrowed  her at him.

His back hits the wall as Irene glares at him without averting her gaze from him.

" I know what you are trying to do, seeking your revenge. Am I right? "
Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows as he shakes his head in denial again. She starts bickering and accusing him as Jungkook takes a deep breath in rage having enough of her false accusations.
He holds her wrists clenched on his collars and removes her hands as he holds her shoulders and turns her around changing their places as he placed his hands beside her caging her in between his arms and wall . He tilts his head to side as her breath hitched at his intense gaze that words get stuck in her throat.

" I have no intention to hurt you in any way, do you get it?"

Irene nods quickly.

" So stop with this game of false blames on me ."

His eyes travelled from her eyes to her pink rosy lips which seemed to be as soft as petal, he gulped as his adams apple moved which is noticed by Irene and she finds it hot.
She looks at his eyes again and takes in a deep breath as she finds him still staring at her. His eyes travelled between her eyes. Just then Jungkook comes back to his senses as he backs off immediately looking away so does Irene.

" L-Lets give it another try."

Irene nods as this time when Jungkook counts till three she jumps from the block exactly on time and falls in his arms directly as Jungkook holds her quite well this time. He gulps on finding her so close to him in and that to in his arms, while Irene was amazed by strength his arm holds . Their moment was short lived as their instructor clapped for them. Jungkook quickly places her back on her feets as she walks away from him but she could literally feel her increased heartbeats.


A/N - bcoz why should I suffer alone 😁 so yeah suffer with me you all  😁😁

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A/N - bcoz why should I suffer alone 😁 so yeah suffer with me you all  😁😁

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