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Next morning y/n opens her eyes and finds herself in Taehyung's embrace, he was sleeping peacefully. She blushed as she remembers last night's events.
She admires his sleeping figure as she lightly pecks his nose and lips smiling to herself. Taehyung pulls her even closer tightening his grip on her bare waist as she gasped, he smiled with closed eyes. She caresses his cheek with her hand  and runs her hands through his hair. Taehyung opens his eyes. He smiles at her, he holds her nape pulling her closer and pecks her lips several times as she giggles in between his kisses.

" Good morning love!" He pecks her lips again
"Morning Tae! " she blushed

He caresses her hair for sometime then stretches his body as Y/N swoons over his bare body .

" Like what you see, Yeah?"
Y/N blushed hiding her face in pillows

"It's all yours darling you can look as much as you want."

Her heart leaps

He gets up.
" Let me prepare a hot bath for my wife."

She nods smiling

He comes out of washroom and picks her up in bridal style with sheets still around her.

" Oh my God Tae!" she squeals as he chuckles moving inside washroom with her.


" What? But why S-Soha? Why can't you accompany me?? " Jimin questions Jungkook.

" Hyung! I have already told you that I have my  dance play performance today ."

" Oh yes that dance play." Jimin speaks in defeat.

" Now what are you thinking go and pick up Soha noona, hyung and noona's flight will be reaching any time soon and don't forget to take Tannie with you. "

" Ugggh! "

Jimin's heart beats violently as he knocks the door of Soha's house. Soha opens the door as her breath hitched on finding Jimin with  Yeontan in his arms.

 Soha opens the door as her breath hitched on finding Jimin with  Yeontan in his arms

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Yeontan started wiggling in Jimin's arms to be with Soha.
' No Tannie please! Please don't go to her, you are my cute little nephew right!'

" Oh how are you Tannie! " Soha coos

Yeontan almost jumps from the arms of Jimin as Soha holds him holding Jimin's arms too in the process. Jimin gets flustered as he  immediately handovers her the Yeontan removing his hands away.

' I know you are a traitor Tannie! but this was not the right time to betray me you brat!' Jimin whines internally.

" What happened Jiminie? Why are you here so early." She questions while running her hands through the fur of Yeontan.

Jimin clears his throat composing his melted heart  at her soft voice and sweet sugar coated nickname.

" Hyung and Noona's flight will reach anytime soon. I-I need you to accompany me. "

" I am always ready to be with you Anytime, Anywhere, Anyday oh Everyday-"

" Soha! Please we are getting late!"

Jimin cuts her inbetween as his heart leaps at her words and walks away.
Soha pouts at Yeontan as Yeontan barks in response.

Jimin sits in his car as Soha takes a seat beside Jimin with Yeontan in her arms.

" Put on the seat belt."

" As you can see Jimine my hands are occupied with Yeontan can you please put in the seat belt for us. " She pouts at him while Jimin shakes his head he knows she is doing this on purpose.

She smirks internally as she bites her lips. Jimin's heart leaps as he comes closer to her, her familiar intoxicating smell fills his nostrils. God! He missed her fragrance so much. She smiles as she finds his side profile so close to her face. Jimin turns his face towards her and it was his biggest mistake as he looks into her eyes which were shining with pure love , she licks her lips while looking at his lips. He gets flustered as he immediately ties her seatbelt and moves back to his place.

Their ride was silent. Soha tries to talk to him.

" Yeontan you are looking so weak. Jimine uncle doesn't feeds you well in absence of your dad Hmm?"

She looks at Jimin from side eyes.

" He is well fed off everyday."

Soha smirks as she makes him talk to her.

' What the hell why am I falling in her traps. She is very clever I will have to keep up with my game.'

Their car stops at a traffic light as a man selling roses stops by them.

" Sir please buy them, you can gift these to your beautiful wife."

" No we don't-"

" I want to buy one for my love"

She brought some flowers. she extend her hand to gift  them  to Jimin.

" These are for my love."

Gods! Jimin's heart bursts at that.

He looks away not taking her flowers.

" These are for my love Yeontan!"

Jimin looks at her with side eyes in a confusion of what is she planning next.

" Jimin please keep them as my Yeontan can't hold them. Please put them outside his dog house."

Jimin's sighs in defeat closing his eyes . He takes the roses from her hand and keeps them.

She blushes internally as she sends him flying kiss while he was busy in keeping them.


Finally they pick up Y/N and Taehyung while Yeontan was happiest on meeting his parents after so long....

" Jimin drop Soha back safely!"
Taehyung speaks as he runs his hands through Yeontan's furs in his arm.

Soha hugs Y/N and bids Taehyung her goodbye.


Jimin stops his car in front of Soha's house. He sighs as she doesn't leaves. He looks at her.

" Leave! "

" What is that Jimin!"

Soha gasps as she shouts pointing towards something in opposite direction. Jimin immediately looks outside the window but is met with the biggest surprise when Soha unbuckled her seat as she immediately pecks his cheek running out of his car giggling on her way.

Jimin's heart skips a beat as he holds his cheek where she pecked.

" God! She is really hard to ignore."



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