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"Omg Soha?"
Jimin drops his bread, Y/N stands up from the breakfast table as she watched Soha entering from the door.

She makes her sit beside her on breakfast table as Jimin requested to serve them breakfast.
He placed the plate in front of Soha and  served her while Soha's heart swells up as he serves her so lovingly.

Y/N and Soha talks about her fashion event for a while when y/n shifts her focus on Jimin . Soha is just  unable to stop herself from staring at him. She grins when he whines over something while talking to y/n. Every time she thinks of him he makes her smile, not even in her dreams she had once imagined that she would feel attracted to this person,  now  for some reason she wants to be in her feminine energy, be soft, just for him. She tucks her hair strand behind her ear as she blushed,an untouched feeling has touched her,  her sky is filled with desires now . She never knew that her heart would stop for someone and give  her beautiful problems.

She looks at his hands and smiles looking at her hands as she remembers how safe she felt in his arms that day, she looks up and finds him already staring at her as her heart jumps. She looks around and finds y/n walking towards kitchen.

"Why aren't you eating Soha?"
"Oh sorry."

Jimin chuckles
" It's alright Soha why are you apologising. "

After the breakfast they all were in living room. Soha sits on same couch as Jimin while y/n was on a phone call.
Just then she hears little barks as Jimin picks up Yeontan in his arms. He rubbed his belly and started playing with him as Soha almost coos at this soft side of Jimin.
" You guys have a pet dog?"
Soha questions excitedly.

" Shhh  lower your voice he ain't dog, he is Taehyung and Y/N's son. Don't call him dog."

" Oh!" She giggles lightly.

" Jimin I want to play with him too, please can I?"

She questions as Jimin takes a seat beside her with Yeontan in his arms, their shoulders brushed, increasing her heartbeats.

" Yeontan meet your Soha Aunty. "

" Aunty? Eww Jimin!"
He chuckles throwing his head back as Soha gulps at his beautiful neck and Adam's apple.

She runs her hand through his fur.
" He is so cute!" She coos.  She holds him in her arms and pecks him. Jimin feels jealous of Yeontan, he was having all her attention so easily.

Soha was playing with Yeontan when y/n calls him, he started  wiggling in her arms.

" No! please stay with me Yeontan. " Soha pouts
Jimin chuckles

" Leave him Soha, he won't stop, he loves his parents too much." He chuckles again as Soha smiles letting him go.

" Jimin, I have planned something and I need your help."
" Ofcourse i will help you Soha, how can i say no . "

He smiles warmly as Soha's heart warms up.

" I am planning Unnie and Taehyungie oppa's honeymoon."

" That's a great idea, because they won't plan anything like this by themselves. "

Soha nods chuckling.

" but I am still confused about place, I know Unnie's preference but I don't know about oppa does he like mountains, beaches or romantic places like Paris. "

" Hmm..Paris is hyung's love. "

" And Unnie loves beaches. "

" Don't worry we will plan something that will include both. "

A Love like Ours || V Min Kook ffWhere stories live. Discover now