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" What about y/n? Is she ready? They can be here at any  time."

Mrs Choi shouts

" Yeah mom! don't worry she is almost  ready."

" Unnie!" Irene shouts from kitchen.

" What happened?" Soha asks as she reached kitchen.
" How many people are they?"
" Four I guess Mrs Kim, Taehyung and his two younger brothers.  "

" What about the Youngest one, he is of which age group, I will prepare snacks accordingly then for a teenager too. "

"He has passed sch- " 
Mrs Choi calls Soha as she rushed outside. Irene blinks confused.

She shrugged her shoulders placing a cute panda mug with three glasses .

" They are here!" Mrs Choi announced
" Let me go and see if y/n is ready." Soha leaves
Irene rushed towards the entrance along with Mrs Choi to welcome Kims.

She excitedly opens the door with a big smile on her face and gasps loudly with wide eyes on finding Jungkook at her doorstep. She looks back to see her mom who was approaching the main door.

" What the f uck are you doing here Jeon??" She whisper yells.

Jungkook raised his eyebrows as his condition was same as Irene. Just then they hear Mrs Kim and Mrs Choi's voices behind them.
They got aside to give them space and both the ladies were already hugging each other.

" Welcome Mrs Kim!"
" I am so happy to be here."

Jungkook and Irene's eyes widens again on understanding the situation and they look at each other as if they have seen a ghost.

" How are you Irene?"
Irene immediately changes her expressions giving Mrs Kim a fake smile.

" I am fine aunty. "

" Meet my Jungkook,  Taehyung is on his way."

" Hello Jungkook!"

Jungkook bows at Mrs Choi who gives him a bright smile. He smirks at Irene who pokes her cheek with  tongue in annoyance.

" Please come inside and make yourselves comfortable."

" Ofcourse aunty ofcourse afterall it's my noona's house. "

" Aww Jungkook ofcourse its your house too, right Irene."

Irene gives him a fake smile as his smirk widens.

Soon Taehyung arrived as he bowed at Mrs Choi and takes a seat between Mrs Kim and Jungkook .

" Where is y/n?  "Mrs Kim asks

" Oh she is just getting ready let me call her."

Mrs Choi calls for y/n.

" Where is your third son by the way? "

" My Jimin? I am sorry  he might be a bit late as he has to handle the company  in absence of Taehyung." 

" It's alright Mrs Kim we understand. "


" Unnie we are about to go in front of them and before finalising your decision, remember you are marrying Taehyung and not the kindness of Mrs Kim, she might be a kind wealthy lady, mom may be happy with this marriage but that doesn't mean you will have to marry her son, it's your life afterall choose what's best for you and your happiness. "

Y/N caressed Soha's cheeks.

" I am so lucky to have you as my younger sister Soha. Don't worry I will be honest with myself that's a promise. "

Soha nods as she smiled.

Soon Y/N and Soha arrived as Mrs Choi introduced them to Kims. Mrs Kim's smile widens on seeing y/n.

Y/N takes a seat in front of Taehyung. Her heart was beating like crazy.

" How are you y/n? "
She looks up and smiles at Mrs Kim.
" I am fine aunty. "
" That's great!" Mrs Kim smiles

" Y/N  meet Taehyung. " she holds the shoulders of Taehyung as their eyes meet for the first time. They bowed at each other. Y/N gets flustered and looks away same was the condition of Taehyung. He observes her, she was neatly dressed in a floral dress with hair tied up in a neat bun. She looked quite presentable and pretty...? Taehyung looks away.

" We want you both to talk in private before arriving at any decision."

Y/N looks at Soha with pleading eyes as to accompany her but she shakes her head.

Y/N guides him to garden outside. She gestures him to sit on the bench as she takes a seat beside him. Y/N initiates the talk as they talk for a while regarding their hobbies. Mostly it was her who was talking while Taehyung was listening quietly.

" Umm y/n are you done?"
" Hunh? Yeah yes let's leave." y/n feels a bit embarrassed for talking too much while Taehyung was low-key loving it, it's just that he is bad at expressing.

" Is their anything that you want to ask. I am here to answer all your questions."

Y/N shakes her head.

" No let's go. "

Taehyung gestures her to walk in front of him.

' Aishh why do I always end up embarrassing myself.' Y/N pouts

Soon they join everyone.
Mrs Choi asks Irene to get the juice and snacks.
Irene immediately removes that panda mug from tray.

" That arrogant rude @ss  man doesn't deserves something cute like my  panda mug . " Irene pouts at her panda mug before cleaning it and placing it back on shelf.

Irene serves them snacks and juice, she smirked at Jungkook as she placed juice in front of him. Jungkook narrows his eyes at her.
He keeps on staring at his glass as others starts sipping  . Irene smirks at him while enjoying her juice.

" What happened Jungkook why aren't you drinking the juice." Mrs Choi asks

Irene's smirk widens

" Yes Jungkook what happened? Didn't you all like it Taehyung oppa? " Irene pouts  not so innocently as Jungkook grits his teeths.

" No Irene, it's really good. Thank you! Jungkook must be zoned out somewhere it's his habit. " Taehyung  smiles at Irene  as Y/N's heart flutters at his beautiful smile. Then Taehyung gestures the Jungkook to drink the juice.

" It's alright Jungkook you don't have to  drink this just because Irene made it, if you don't like it then I will  get something else for you "Y/N asks concerned.

" No noona it's alright. I am fine with the juice. "he smiles as Taehyung's heart warms up   at this caring gesture of y/n.

Jungkook acts like as if he is drinking the juice  and drops his glass.

" Oh I am so sorry."

" It's alright son, Irene will clean it."

Mrs Choi looks at Irene who chokes on her juice and now it's Jungkook's turn to smirk. Irene rolls her eyes at him before bending down to clean the mess.

"We have arranged dinner for you people. "

Soon they all were on dinning table as Soha and Irene were serving the  dinner. Just then their doorbell rings.

" I'll go and open the door, you serve the dinner Irene ."

Soha leaves to open the door.

" Oh it must be my Jimin." Mrs Kim smiles.


A/N - Next parts will be uploaded after two weeks because of my exams but  in between I might upload one part.

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