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At night Jimin and Soha were returning from Y/N's organisation when Jimin's car suddenly stopped in the middle of nowhere.
Jimin gets down as he checks his car. He kicks his tyre in frustration when it doesn't starts.
He calls someone as Soha gets down concerned.

" What happened Jimin ?"
" Don't know it stopped working suddenly."

He looks at Soha as his eyes softens.

" You don't worry I have already called mechanic but he might take some time."

" It's alright we will wait."

Jimin leans against the bonnet of his car as Soha stands beside him.

" You can sit inside. I will wait for him. You are already exhausted after todays work. "

" As long as I will get to be with you, I will be fine. "

Jimins heart flutters as he looks away.
They wait for a while, suddenly Soha hears a loud thunder which scares her as she holds Jimins arm immediately.
Jimin rubs her back to calm down.

" It's alright! It's alright. "

" Are you scared of thunder and lightning?"

" No, it's just that, that sudden noise scared me a bit." She pouts.

Jimin nods as he smiles a little, how adorable is she, God!.

Soon it starts dribbling as Jimin immediately drags her inside the car. He too sits inside locking it from inside.

" Oh god! I really love this weather, the rain, it's so soothing! the calmness and freshness it brings along with it. Hmm"

She closes her eyes smelling the freshness of  environment. Jimin smiles as he turns on the rain wipers of his car as his car gets a bit foggy.

Just then his phone rings as he picks up the call.

" What do you mean you won't come? We are caught up in middle of nowhere and it's almost night."

" Just listen to m- Hello? Hello?? Shit!"

Jimin looks at Soha apologetically.

" What happened? "

" He said he will come tomorrow morning. He told me to leave the car here, he will get it done by tomorrow morning. "

Jimin holds his head.

" It's okay Jimin don't worry. "

" I wouldn't have worried if I was alone, I am worried for you-"

He stops as Soha smiles.

" I am fine Jimin! I will be fine as long as you are  with me. "

Jimin's heart leaps.

" Umm.. We should get a hotel room. It's not safe to be here.  Let's wait till rain stops. "

Just then Soha searches for something inside her bag.

" Oh I have an umbrella. "

" Let's wait till rain stops, otherwise we will use your umbrella and get down. "

She nods. They wait and wait  but rain doesn't stops pouring down .

" Let's get going, I don't think so it is stopping any soon." Jimin checks as he looks outside.

" Yes we should leave, it's getting late. "

Jimin nods as he takes her umbrella and gets down. He walks towards her side and opens the door getting her inside the umbrella. He locks the car as they walk away.

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