S2- 25

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Jungkook was busy in preparing a new dish with Mrs Choi for dinner while Irene was enjoying her evening nap in her room.

Mrs Choi tastes it as she hums loving it's taste .  She appreciates Jungkook's cooking skills .

" I learnt it from Y/N noona and Soha noona they taught me so many dishes."

They continue to talk for a while .

Soon Jungkook starts arranging dinner on dinning table .

" Let me call my lazy cat daughter. "

Jungkook chuckles

Mrs Choi shouts for Irene  .

Mrs Choi enters kitchen once again as Irene walks down the stairs slowly  with half closed eyes as she was still sleepy .
Jungkook's heart flutters that how cozy ,homly and adorable she looked with disheveled hair in sleepy state.

Her eyes opens a little more as she smiles warmly on finding Jungkook standing in front of her .
They both look around as Jungkook opens his arms and Irene hugs his waist as her face is squished in his warm and hard chest . He holds her back as one of his hand threaded through her hair making her sleepy once again as a pleasant calm smile formed on her face . She felt warm , not only from outside but inside as well. She felt like melting into his warmth and become a part of him .

She felt his nose against her head as he sniffed and pecked her head before pulling away a little just to look at her face .

He removed  baby hair from her face tucking them behind her ear as she rested her chin on his chest looking into his eyes with soft gaze which softened his heart too as they kept looking into the eyes of eachother.

" Kiss me!" She whispers.

" Your mom is here!"

She pouts as she whines missing his kisses and who is he to stop her as he craved for her himself.

" but you are worth taking risk ,my baby ."

She blushed .
He cupped her face and pulled her closer to him face as their nose touched and then he attached his lips with her which felt so soft and warm calming down her nerves instantly. They shared a slow kiss,  it was not lusty , hurried or heated but slow which showed his care , love ,admiration . Her hands clutched his shirt as if she let go this dream might break .

Mrs Choi was walking outside the kitchen but she stopped on her tracks on seeing her daughter in the arms of Jungkook as they were making out . She gasps and moves back inside the kitchen trying to process everything but then she smiles as she knows she can't get a better man than Jungkook for her daughter.  He will really take care of her daughter just like her . She sighed as she felt relieved that her daughters have really choosen best partners for them and they might stay together even after their marriage. 

Their lips parts as he rests his forehead against her feeling her presence as their hearts beats calmly in sync ,they were so much addicticed for eachother . He softly gazes into her eyes as she smiles while bitting her lower lip in nervousness of getting caught but then this moment between them was worth it !!!
Jungkook moves his head back a little as he cups one of her cheek and frees her lower lip from the confines of her teeth  by his thumb as he caresses it softly with his thumb to sooth it from pain as he leans forward to kiss it , Irene closes her eyes as her heart jumps at this action of him . It takes her sometime to calm down her heart .

" My . Pretty . Girl!" He speaks in between kissing her lips

They part after a while as he pulls back the chair for her and calls Mrs Choi .

A Love like Ours || V Min Kook ffWhere stories live. Discover now