29 ❤️

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Y/N stopped on her way to donate money to the street performers.

She walks away but finds Taehyung nowhere around her, she gets  worried on finding her phone missing too, being left behind in between unfamiliar faces.

Taehyung's heart aches in her separation. He gets so worried for her.

She asks someone to lend her phone so that she can call him but before that  she spots Taehyung in the crowd as she rushes towards him.

Taehyung sighs in relief on finding her.  He immediately engulfs her in his embrace which brought their heart to peace once again.

Taehyung guides her face in the crook of his neck as he caresses her hair holding her closest to him. Her eyes glistened.

" Where were you darling? I got so worried hmm?"

He questions as his heart clenched at the thought of separation. That's when he realised that she has become so precious, so important to him in just a short period of time.

"I just stopped by to donate some money."

" Oh love, I am so sorry I didn't noticed that and lost you."

He apologised wholeheartedly as he pecked her head placing his chin oh her head and closed his eyes.
He parts as he holds her nape pulling her close and leans down eyeing her lips as he kissed her pouring his love into it and y/n reciprocated with same passion. They part as she holds his collars bringing him down for another kiss. Taehyung chuckles near her lips.

" That night when you were drunk you also confessed me how much you like my kisses."

Y/N's eyes widens as her cheeks turn red in embarrassment.

" Oh god! Tae please don't start again."

Taehyung chuckles as she chuckled too hugging him once again.


Taehyung and Y/N enjoys their last stay at Paris as they witness light show at Eiffel tower together.
They enter a terrace restaurant which is near Eiffel tower on special booking by Taehyung . Y/N enters  and gasps on finding it all decorated as she gasps placing hands on her mouth. It was all decorated beautifully in rose petals and candles. She immediately turns around and finds Taehyung smiling at her with folded hands. She becomes speechless by the beauty of their reserved table and it's decorations .

" I-it was planned by you Tae?"

Taehyung nods as Y/N's eyes glistens in happiness, she immediately goes and hugs him as he smiles holding her close to him and their heartbeats sync.

She takes seat beside Taehyung on couch who opens the drink and pours it in two glasses one for her and one for him.
They cheer before drinking.

Taehyung plays music as he bows down extending his hand towards her. She blushed as she placed her hand on his. He pulls her close to him as she places her arms around his neck, he holds her waist and they sway on the beats side to side.
Their eyes shined with so many emotions. Eiffel tower behind them with glittering lights and beautiful starry night above them made the moment so romantic, so special for them.
They part and danced on the beats and after dancing a sophisticated couple dance for sometime , them being them, they switched to their childish dance doing funny wiered steps making eachother laugh their heart out. Taehyung is really a different person 'real him' whenever he is with her. She really brings joy to the inner child of him which was lost in these years because of burden of responsibilities on him as he feels loved and cherished around her. Taehyung's heart swells up on hearing her giggles. He smiles as he pulls her close and cups her face, he closes his eyes connecting his forehead with her. She holds his wrists closing her eyes too.

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