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Jimin was walking past the hall when he finds Soha smiling to herself. She was holding Jimin's childhood photo.

" She is catching feelings for me which is... not right. I need to stop everything before it's too late ."

He walks towards Soha and snatches his photo from her hands keeping it back on its place.

" Baby Jiminie was so cute."
She smiles brightly as her eyes were shining.
Jimin closes his eyes as his heart pained but he composes himself and opens his eyes as he turned serious.

" You know what Soha, I am sick of all the tantrums you are throwing. Who do you think I am Hmm?.. you  rejected me by the most harsh way possible and then suddenly one day you felt like apologising for your past actions. You know what... Okay... I grant you apology... Now what ? you think we can be together? ... not possible. I have already lost  my feelings for you. Do you get it!!... "  Soha's smile drops as she looks down.

He retrieves something from his pocket and puts it in front of her face.

" Look at this ring. You threw it away that day right! "

She looks up into his eyes as her eyes glistened. She flinched as Jimin throws that ring in the dustbin in front of her.

" Maybe now you will get it. It's over Soha! ... I am done!!"

He was about to walk away but turns around once again.

" And stop waiting for  me everyday. You are noone to me. Do you understand??. "

He walks away as Soha cups her mouth, tears started trickling down her eyes as her heart clenched painfully. This time his words succeeded in breaking  her heart  as she gets on the verge of losing hopes to get him back.


Soha comes out of her room next morning with swelled eyes it seemed like she cried all night. She serves Y/N breakfast as  Taehyung gets concerned on seeing her condition.

" Are you okay Soha?"

He questions as y/n looks at her too.

" What happened Soha?"
Y/N asks as she got worried about her baby sister.

" I-It's nothing Oppa, Unnie really it's just that I didn't sleep well last night. I am so habitual of my bed I guess ."

She tries to fake her smile.

" Same was Jimin's condition few weeks back and he also gave the same reason. Aren't our mattresses comfortable or what. "Y/N tries to  joke around as Taehyung nods chuckling a bit.

Soha's heart clenched because she knows the reason behind Jimin's condition that day. She feels so guilty maybe she deserves whatever is happening with her, she has no right to complain or cry now.


" Soha Please get these papers from Jimin's room. They must be in first or second drawer of the cabinet behind his door. "

" B-But oppa I don't think so he would like this idea of me intruding his room."  Soha's heart pained.

" Soha, he won't because I asked you. Don't worry about him. "

Soha nods as she leaves for his room.
She opens the door of his room and enters inside, it has Jimin's photos alround as it brought a little smile on her face. She even finds a particular photo which makes her chuckle a bit.

" Kookie or Taehyungie oppa must have gifted this to him."

She was about to touch it but her smile fades when she remembers how he reacted last time. Her heart clenched.

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