S2- 5

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Shinae places Jiha on the couch as she changes her clothes after Soha gives her a bath. Just then she switches on the television as she selects a particular channel.

" Hmm I am hearing a lot about this choreography channel these days let's take a look."

She gets engrossed in the dance when she feels little movements beside her as she looks beside her and finds Jiha vibing with the dance as she was moving her hands and running legs in air vibing with the song , it brings a wide smile on Shinae's face.

" Omg my baby is vibing with the song. Seems like it will be your hobby once you grow up just like your mom."

Jiha makes a little happy noises as she vibes with the dance of Jimin, Shinae looks towards Jiha and then Jimin and then again at Jiha as she  coos squishing Jiha's chubby cheeks.
Just then she observes a female dancer with Jimin too as they dance to together.

" She must be his girlfriend ."

Shinae speaks as she really likes their chemistry that's when she hears something being dropped as she immediately looks at the back even Jiha stops moving getting scared by sudden loud sound. Soha dropped the cerelac bowl  of Jiha as  her eyes were sticked on television, she got to see Jimin after such a long time but... with a girl.

" Are you okay Unnie?"
She comes out of her thoughts

" Oh yeah I am fine it just slipped by my hands."

" You must be tired unnie come sit I will clean it... ."

Everything she says goes above head of Soha as she was unable to remove her eyes from tv that's when she observes Jiha vibing with Jimin as this clenched her heart even more. Her guilt of separating a daughter from her father starts killing her from inside  again. Shinae makes her sit on the couch beside Jiha and starts cleaning the mess.

" this choreographer looks quite smart right unnie? And his dance is so graceful. I guess Jiha really liked him, she was vibing with him a lot and seemed to be so happy, I saw her showing interest in something so much for the first time..."

Soha looks at Jiha who was vibing with Jimin as her heart pained whole Shinae continues to speak while cleaning.

" No wonder he is getting so popular these days. And that girl beside him she must be his girlfriend. They both are really couple goals. "

Shinae speaks while cleaning.

Soha's eyes glistened as something from past flashes in front of her eyes.

"" I promise you myself, if not you then nobody else. For this park belongs to you and only you ""

' You moved on Jiminie I am so happy for you.'

She saw how Jimin smiled and bowed towards camera as that girl joined him. She looks towards him in the same way as she used to admire him once. She closes her eyes as her heart pained at their memories but atleast he is happy that's what she ever wanted for him and she promised herself to never disturb him again and keep Jiha away from him.
Soha picks up Jiha in her arms  as she pecks her forehead admiring her baby with glistening eyes.

' You will have your mom princess. She will always be there for you I will never let you feel the absence of a dad. I hope you will be able to forgive me for separating you from your dad but see how happy he is now that's what we want pumpkin isn't it?'
She  walks away from tv set with Jiha in her arms .


* And cut! *

Director speaks as Jimin walks away from stage immediately even his fake smile fades now while his friend remains standing she decides to give him some time as he gets changed in changing room.

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