S2 - 17

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Jungkook and Irene enters inside and they gasped on seeing Soha.

" Noona! You are back! We missed you a lot."

Jungkook rushes towards her as Soha hugs him.

" I missed you all too kookie."

"We were so concerned for you ."

" I am fine kookie."
She ruffles his hair as he smiles. He turns around towards Irene.

" Won't you meet Soha noona Irene? "

Irene doesn't even looks at her direction as she stands with  crossed arms looking in opposite direction.
Jungkook looks at Soha apologetically.
Soha nods at him and gestures that its okay she will handle it as she smiles and walks towards Irene.
She stands in front of her as Irene continues to look away.

" Irene! I am sorry!" she cups her face turning her face towards her but she removes her hands.

" Sorry? Sorry what Soha unnie? To forget that you have a family too? , that your mom and sisters might not worry if you just decide to disappear one day. Do you even have idea what was our condition behind you? Leave us! Do you even have idea what mom went through when her daughter decided to just disappear one day.
Okay I agree you wanted to work in direction of your carrier which is very well appreciated but unnie does that means that you will forget us? you didn't have time to even call us. Even if you didn't have time you could have just messaged that you were okay? "

She looks towards Y/N.

" Unnie how can you forgive her so easily? "
" She slapped me. " Soha speaks as she pouts holding her cheek.

" Well deserved! "

Irene  looks away again in anger.

" I know what I did was not right Irene, I should have maintained contact with you all. That is why I am back to apologize to you all. Irene are you listening to me? "

Soha sighs as she goes and hugs Irene who doesn't stops her as even she has missed her sister.
Irene hugs her back.

" D-dont disappear like that again unnie! I got so  scared and worried . I just have you sisters and mom to look upto as a family and all of you are very precious to me. I love you all so much. Please don't take any step like that in future."

" I won't i promise! "

Soha pecks her head as she wipes a tear that escaped from Irene's eye.
She hugs her again patting her back as  Y/N rushed towards them.

" I know I am married but that doesn't means means you both will make me feel excluded from our special hug. "

Soha and Irene chuckles as they part away a little and Y/N joins them in the hug.

" Choi sisters are back Wohoo!" Irene shouts as three of them giggles.

" They are so cute! We should have our moment too. " Jungkook coos as he opens his arms wide moving towards his hyungs but they both ignores him.

" He just needs reason to be clingy!"
" can't agree more."
Jimin and Taehyung mumbles as Jungkook pouts.

" Hunh! I should probably join these Choi sisters they seem to be more fun than my hyungs."
Jungkook pouts.

Y/N and Soha parts from hug as they look towards each other in amusement.

" Did you notice unnie? "
" Me too!"
"W-what did you both notice?" Irene questions.

" You never let us hug you for this much time before." Y/N speaks.
" Yeah unnie she was always like eww don't include me in this Choi moment."
" She even started accepting touches from past few months. Something changed. "

A Love like Ours || V Min Kook ffWhere stories live. Discover now