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What happened Mrs Kim ? Is everything fine ? Why did Jimin called me so urgently at your place ?"

" Don't know Mrs Choi  ,he said that he wanted to share something important."
Mrs Kim gestures here to take a seat .

" Please make yourself comfortable here Mrs Choi !"

Mrs Choi nods as she takes seat on Mrs Kim's couch .

Soon Jimin enters with a baby in his arms as Soha follows him .Mrs Choi gasps on seeing Soha as she stands up and rushes towards her daughter taking her in her arms.

" Mom!" Finally Soha felt so much relieved after meeting her mom. She hugged her as she sobs a little in the arms of her mother just like a child who met his mom after a long time .
They both talk for a while as they calm down as Soha looks towards Mrs Kim.

" It's such a relief that you are back Soha both the families were so worried for you ." Mrs Kim sounds concerned.

" I know Aunty I shouldn't have disappeared like that ."

She looks apologetically at Mrs Kim .

" It's okay child atleast you are back now ."

Mrs Kim smiles .

Soha stands beside Jimin .

" Mom , Aunty, there is something that we want to share ."

" Go ahead Jimin !" Mrs Kim speaks.

" Me and Soha we both are together. We are in a relationship. "

Mrs Kim and Mrs Choi gasps as Soha bows down her head in embarrassment and nervousness .
Just then she feels a hand on her head she turns her head to side and finds Mrs Kim who was smiling at her .

" I am so happy that you choose a perfect girl for you Jimin !" Mrs Kim caresses her hair so lovingly .

Soha and Jimin looks at Mrs Kim surprised by her reaction and same was the reaction of Mrs Choi .

" To be honest .I secretly used to wish Soha for you Jimin .Specially when she looked after our family I was really impressed I wanted to make her my second daughter in law since then ."

Soha blushed as Jimin holds her hand caressing it with his thumb slowly .

" I wanted to arrange your marriage with Soha so i even talked to your dad about you both  but he denied ."

* Past*

" Look Yumi (mrs kim )you got Taehyung married to y/n but I didn't interfered because he was your son too but Jimin! he is my son he isn't your son at first place !do you get it?So stop trying to be his mother because you aren't . I will decide the bride for my and Jima's son ,not you because you are not his mom , Jima is his mom and in her absence i will decide the bride for him . I won't let another son of mine to marry a middle class . "

Mrs Kim heart clenched she felt like someone has slapped reality on her face .

" I-I may not be his biological mother but I have always seen him as my o-own son . For me he is just like my Taehyung . So i would always want a happy life for my son Jimin " Mrs Kim's eyes glistens

" Emotions don't work in real life my darling the truth is he isn't your son but Jima's. "

Mrs Kim looks down as her heart clenched  .

* Present *

Mrs Kim's heart pained as she sighed but then  she looked at Soha and smiled caressing her cheek .

" I guess destiny was on our side because I was planning your marriage with her since long and if you both wouldn't have fallen in love still you both would have been together in a arranged marriage after your approvals because just like I consider y/n to be perfect companion for Taehyung, I consider Sohsa to be perfect companion of my Jimin. If your father wouldn't have interfered I would have arranged your marriage by now ."

A Love like Ours || V Min Kook ffWhere stories live. Discover now