S2 - 15

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Shinae reached a place  in Gngguk's car and this time venue was decided by her. It was a compensatory evening meet as Shinae wanted to pay back the money when she forgot to bring her purse in the cafe and Gngguk had paid on behalf of her.

Her eyes stopped at Gngguk who was deep into discussion with his secretary as if he was instructing him something. He had an iPad pencil in his hand by which he was drawing some figures on screen. She just couldn't help herself as she stared at him in adoration. She started noticing him alot these day during their initial meet ups it was Gngguk who was interested in knowing more and more about her but from last few meets the only thing she talked was about Gngguk's life as she asked him questions about his life.
From their last meet up in cafe, she  remembers that how much of a dog lover is Gngguk as he couldn't stop himself from giving her details of his pet dog and his love for him. Bam! That was the name of his dog, even she wants to meet Bam now. She remembers how Gngguk told her about his favourite smell being Vanilla as his nose was sensitive to smell, and according to her she is wearing vanilla based perfume today not because Gngguk likes it but because she felt it wearing it today.

Gngguk lifts his head from his eyepad screen as their eyes meet and Shinae's heart skips a beat as she has to take in some extra amount of air to keep it functioning normally. Gngguk smiles warmly at her, that smile of him that is reserved for her and her only, she has started to grow fond of that smile since few days.
He raises his hand to wave at her as his eyes turns soft, Shinae waves back. He gestures her to come towards him and before she could command her legs  already starting moving towards him under his influence.
Just one last date is left this thought pains her heart maybe she should forget her purse oftenly to assure their regular meetups, this thought crossed her mind but she shrugs it off.

" So! Where have you planned to takes us today my lady?"
Gngguk asks softly in his honey laden voice, the voice that people around him get to hear only when he's with her and Damn! things that my lady does to Shinae's heart, she has to take a deep breath to stop it's fluttering around him.

" Umm! " She looks around as Gngguk looks at her with hearts in his eyes.

" Yeah I know a spot here, it's full of beautiful flowers valleys, I really wanted to spend time here from some days."

" Then what are we waiting for shall we?"

He gestures her to lead him as she nods.

Gngguk walks beside her as their hands brushed and her stomach leaps, she secretly looks at his hands, they were so  veiny, tattooed and huge. Her hand would look so small as compared to him, she wonders how beautiful her hands will look intertwined with his as this thought makes her heart flutters.

" What are you looking at?" Gngguk playfully wiggles his eyebrows at her as she blushed on being caught staring at his hand.
She shakes her head in denial and looks in front as Gngguk smiles. She wonders if she is really that worthy of his love or even beautiful as he describes her, maybe its his love for her that's more beautiful, she concludes.

She turns her neck to look back and finds his men and secretary following them. She gets annoyed that why do they have to follow them everywhere . She stops on her path and folds her hands as Gngguk looks at her confused.

" What-"
" Why do your men have to follow us everywhere. Can't we just get to spend sometime alone. I am not in habit of getting so much attention so I feel wiered."

" If that's what you want!"
Gngguk turns around and shows his palm to them and they immediately stops. She turns her neck to side a little and looks at him as he was giving them some orders. Just then her eyes stop at the gun at his waist, she rolls her eyes.

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