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Jimin was sipping on his beer with his friends as the girl sitting beside him was eyeing him lost in his charisma. Jimin smirked at her as he noticed her eyeing him. She moved closer to him and whispered in his ear.

" How about you get lucky tonight!"
Jimin laughs as he throws his head back.

" Sorry babe! Not in mood today."

"  Will get you in  mood just give me a chance."

She moved closer to him without breaking the eye contact as she slowly runs her hands on his chest unbuttoning the upper two buttons. Jimin closed his eyes as her hand travelled passed his shirt touching his bare skin. He holds her waist pinching it as she jumps a bit in surprise. He smirks at her moving closer to her face. He lightly brushed his lips at her teasing her but as she was about to initiate the kiss he moves away making her whine . She removed her hands from his shirt  and bites her lower lip while travelling her hand down slowly.  Jimin immediately holds her hand removing it before it reached his buckle.

" You got your chance, now you can leave!"

" What?"

" I said leave!"

She made an irritated expression as she walked away leaving him behind.

" Why did you reject her proposal, I mean she is hot though!"

" Yeah but not my type."

" Well! Keep your search on then and you may find your type then ." His friend chuckles

He leaves as Jimin continues to sip on his beer engrossed in his thoughts when his eyes catch someone dancing on floor in front of him.

Her steps were so graceful and  mesmerizing just like  the smile spread across her angelic  face, she was shining even in the crowd  . She  kept on swaying and dancing on beats and for the first time Jimin couldn't stop staring at someone, he even forgot where he is  or what he is doing. She  reminded him of his mom a bit with that grace in her dance. She chuckled as she  tucked the strands of hair behind her ear giving him even more clear view of her.
Jimin smiled being  completely lost in someone for the first time. He was mesmerized by someone for the first time in his life .

" Jimin are you listening to me?"
" Jimin?.. JIMIN??"

" Hunh? Oh yeah.. yes."
" Where are you lost today?"

Jimin looks back on the dance floor but doesn't finds her, he immediately gets up.

" Just give me a minute."

He walks around searching for that girl, he searched almost everywhere but couldn't find her. He immediately rushed towards the parking lot.

He looks around the parking lot and doesn't finds her anywhere but then he finds her with a boy as his heart sinks, he walks past them but frowns when he heard that boy who was holding her. She was drunk which was quite visible.

" What's your name pretty pigeon?"

Jimin stops on his path and turns around .
" Who are you?" He asks sternly.

" Can't you see I am her boyfriend."
She looks at him with with confused face.

" From when?.... I don't remember having a... boyfriend,... do I" she scratched her head.

" So are you leaving her alone or you want me to show you... who. I. am?"  He got intimidated by Jimin's aura and leaves her being a bit tipsy himself. She stumbled a bit as Jimin holds her quickly.

" Thank you. but I don't remember... do I... I know you? Hmm? "

She asks as Jimin smiled genuinely at her cuteness.

" What's your name? Where do you live let me drop you."

" It's Soha... Andddd....my address.. Hmmm... My address." She holds her head and then tells him her address.

She falls more onto him feeling comfortable with him. Jimin's heart flutters as she holds his jacket for support and leans closer placing her head on his chest. Jimin holds her. Though he has held many girls in past  but holding her felt so different so magical so pure like it would be a sin to even think of about her in that way. She was made to be loved, cared, cherished and not just a random hookup.

" Umm... for how long are we going to stand here. I am already so tired." She lifts her head from his chest and pouts at him.

" I am so sorry bun. Let me drop you now come on."

She keeps on mumbling things like a child  as Jimin laughed at her innocence and cuteness but soon her friend approached them and Jimin handovers her, he asks her friend to take care of her and explains her everything, she thanks him for protecting her friend . He gave Soha a heartiest smile, smiling brightly as she waved him goodbye being dragged by her friend. He waved at her too.
He looks at his jacket where she had placed her head. His eyes widens on finding her earring sticking to it. He  smiled sheepishly holding it in his hand and  placed  it inside his pocket.


" Oh my God Taehyung! I am so happy for you." "Finally we will get a noona! "

Jimin and Jungkook shouts in excitement as Mrs Kim chuckled.

" But mom noona will have to work really hard to change this  unromantic man. I wonder how will she survive this workaholic man. He works  almost for the whole day and doesn't even cares about his health or food. " Jungkook sighs

" Now only noona can improve him with her love. " Jimin teased as Taehyung huffs in annoyance.

" So when do we get to meet our noona? "
" Soon! I will fix the meeting with Mrs Choi very soon. "

Mrs Kim cupped Taehyung's face

" I hope you will give her all the happiness of this world and all the respect she deserves being  your future wife. Be a caring loyal husband to her. Please don't  let me down Taehyung because... "  She looks at Jimin and Jungkook and removes her hands from Taehyung's face.

" Because I would surely  die this time if i ever got to see my children turning into another version of Mr Kim. "
Her eyes glistened a bit

" Mom! "  Jimin goes and hugs Mrs Kim as Taehyung and Jungkook follows him.

"  we will never let you down that's a promise mom! "


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