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Soha waits for Jimin in front of Y/N's house, she spots Jimin walking outside finally after waiting for so long. She immediately stands up and walks towards him. She tries to smile at him but he looks away as her smile drops immediately.
She calls him but he ignores her which breaks her heart nevertheless she stops him on his path.

" W-Why aren't you picking up my c-calls.?"

She questions but Jimin doesn't even spares a glance at her .

" You need to take appointment if you want to meet the managing director of Kims."

Soha's heart breaks at his cold behaviour.

" L-Listen Jimin I-I am sorry! Please. I misunderstood you. Sorry for reacting that way. I know-"

He doesn't listens as he walks away breaking her heart into millions of pieces and her eyes glistens .

" I won't give up on you Jimin, I won't give up on our love. I know you are hurt but I also know that you still love me, I can see it in your eyes. It was you who made so much efforts for me till now, but now it's my turn... "

She wipes her tears.


Today was beach day, Taehyung got ready in his beach shorts and y/n couldn't stop herself from swooning over his bare upper body.

She too gets changed in the lacy bikini as she puts on a thin shrug over it. Taehyung's jaw drops till floor at her beauty, how can someone look so innocent and pure in such a hot and revealing outfit, only y/n has that talent.
She calls his name several times but he doesn't responds as he was so lost in her. She snaps her hands infront of his eyes to bring him back into reality as he goes for water to calm himself down.

They were walking along the beach. Y/N holds his hand but he interlaces their fingers instead as her heart warms up. Serene winds were bringing so much peace to them.
Suddenly a hand taps on y/n's shoulder as she turns around. Taehyung protectively moves her away from the stranger.

" Omg!Joon!!"

She shouts excitedly and immediately goes to hug that stranger man as Taehyung's eyes widens. He was a muscular buffed well built man with a beautiful dimple smile.

They both part after the hug as they talk for a while when  Namjoon ruffles y/n's hair, it was enough to trigger something inside Taehyung's heart, he coughs to  make his   presence noticeable.
" Joon meet  my husband, Taehyung"

She holds his arm as she leans on his shoulder.

" Hmm I see my childhood friend got a handsome man as her husband."

Namjoon shakes hand with Taehyung.

" Yeah, And you didn't even attended our wedding." Y/N narrows her eyes.

" Oh I am so sorry y/n I already apologised so many times and I am apologising again, please forgive me I was caught up with something. "

He holds his ears in apology as Y/N chuckles.

" Wait! Are you both on honeymoon then ?! "

Y/N and Taehyung gets embarrassed as they both nod.

" Omg!! For how long you both are on vacation. "

" I-It's our second day. "

" WHAT? SECOND DAY of your Honeymoon and you both are wasting time on beach, I mean at our time me and my wife, it took us four days to get out of bed, we were so into each other."

They both gets flustered as Taehyung coughs.

" I-It's okay Joon no details please. "

Just then they find a woman approaching them.

" Joonie!" She immediately hugs him as he takes her into a deep kiss. She pushes him a little.

" Control Joonie! "
" How am I supposed to control when my wife looks like a whole meal."

Taehyung and Y/N's eyes widens as they both were more than embarrassed by now.

" She is my wife Hana."

" By the way meet my friend Y/N and her husband."

Hana hugs y/n and greets Taehyung.

They all talk for a while.

" Do you know Taehyung. Y/N was crush of most of the boys during our highschool days she was such a beauty with brain and a kind heart. "

Taehyung makes an 'o' face, though he feels a bit jealous that they got to see teen y/n.

" I was one amongst those boys."
Y/N slaps his chest playfully and Namjoon winks at her as Taehyung chokes on air, that man was literally flirting with his wife in front of him.

" Let's go Joonie I am so hungry. " Hana speaks

" Ofcourse baby it's my job to keep my wife satiate. "
He pecks her lips once again.

They both invite Taehyung and Y/N to have dinner together next night and leave to enjoy their vacation.

" And please don't start collecting crabs again... "

Their talks become faint as they leave.

" Y/N your friend is soooo..."
" I know, I know Tae!"

They both break into laugh.
Y/N pulls him with her in the water.

" I am already loving it Tae!"

She squeals excitedly as Taehyung smiles at her.
They move futhur inside water.

Taehyung is mesmerised by the beauty of sea when y/n calls his name he turns around and finds a playful smile on  y/n's face  she immediately starts splashing water on him.
He chuckles trying to stop her.

" S-St..stop..y/n"

They both laugh their heart out when suddenly Taehyung grabs her wrists and moves her hands behind her back and holds them with one hand and pulls her closer crashing her on his chest as her breath hitched. He smiles playfully as he starts splashing water on her but not with force.

She chuckles trying to escape light splashes.

" Tae!! So-stop!.. O-okay i am sorry!! Let me go."

Taehyung stops as they both chuckle. He smiles as he removes the wet strands from her face and leaves her hands to cup her face as his heart fills with those feelings once again on being so close with her. He caresses her cheeks with thumbs so lovingly as he leans forward and pecks her forehead taking his time as y/n holds his wrists and closes her eyes.
He parts, Y/N holds his bare shoulders as she stands on her toes and gives a quick pecks on his lips. Their hearts almost bursts at that.

Taehyung sighs as he holds her nape caressing her neck with his thumbs as he looks into her eyes intently which were mirroring his emotions, their heart leaps several times as he moves her closer once again and leans crashing his lips on her. He slowly moves his lips on her as she mirrors his movements  their kiss was slow, passionate with no rush.
Finally they part as they become blushing mess, Taehyung couldn't believe what he just did it happened pure out of his emotions.


Meet the Joonie guys 😉

Really loved this photo edit of him though his real body is way more buffed and sexier than this.

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