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Irene rushes to that place, she tries to call Jungkook several times but he doesn't picks up, she drops several messages that she wants to talk to him but gets no response.

Taxi drops her outside the venue as she rushes inside with paining heart and almost teary eyes,  on her way to the main place she spots Kim Taehshi. she was all ready as her friends were giggling.

" You are so lucky Taehshi that Jeon will propose you today, I mean who doesn't wants to be with him."

Irene's heart clenched but she also sighs in relief a bit that she hasn't met him yet as she continues on her path again.

She reaches the main place as she finds Jungkook already in a black blazer with black shirt inside and black pants. He was looking extra dashing, handsome and hot. He turns around and spots Irene who was standing far away with tears forming in her eyes as Jungkook smiles  waving towards her .

Irene rushes towards him as she blinks her tears away, she stands in front of him. He looks around.

" Where is Jay, Min and  Jen ? Aren't you guys going to support me  to propose my love hmm?... Today Jeon  will finally have a girlfriend it's going to be a big event after all!!"

He smiles widely looking at the decorations as Irene places hand on her mouth to prevent herself from sobbing as her heart clenched painfully at the word 'my love'. She composes herself and takes in a deep breath.

" J-Jungkook there is something I-I have to tell you since a long time."

Jungkook hums as he nods.

" A-Actually I... I.... I"

Jungkook looks at his watch.

" Irene, will it be okay if we talk after today's event Taeh must be waiting for me. It's a big day for us afterall."

Irene gasps

" No! No!!! P-please listen to me Jungkook before it's too late please!"
She takes in a deep breath.

" I... I love you... I do."

She closes her eyes tightly and lets some tears trail down her cheeks, when she feels her face being cupped as Jungkook wipes off her tears. She opens her eyes and finds him leaning forwards as he pecks her forehead. He parts as she speaks again.

" I-It's okay even if you don't feel same for me. I j-just wanted to let you know b-before it's too late. I will be fine even when you will not reciprocate my feelings... I just...."

Jungkook leans and smashes his lips on her catching her off guard as they kiss pouring their love and longing for each other. They part on being out of breath as Jungkook tucks some hair strands behind her ears, he removes his hand from her face.

She looks around and spots Jen, Min, Jay even Gngguk standing with them. They all were smiling at them. Her eyes searches for her bestie Jen, she was smiling the widest among all with glistening eyes as she nods.

Irene looks at Jungkook again but finds him on his knees in front of her as she gasps the loudest cupping her mouth.

" J-Jung-"

" My love, Miss Choi Irene, Will you be my girlfriend ?"

" Y-You love? m-me?"

Jungkook nods smiling at her flustered face.
She looks around again  that's when she spots Kim Taehshi with her friends standing beside Gngguk.
She gets confirmed.

She immediately gets on her knees too and hugs Jungkook wrapping her arms around his neck.

" Oh god! Thank you! Thank you so much!!"

A Love like Ours || V Min Kook ffWhere stories live. Discover now