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Crowd gathered near University's bulletin board as results were declared for 1st semester.
Everyone was whispering amongst themselves as Jungkook made his way through crowd to see his name  on top of the list as always, and like every time all eyes were on him but this time reason behind staring eyes was different. Jungkook frowned on finding his name shifted to second rank.

" What happened Jungkook?"

His friend asked out of curiosity.

" I.. I didn't top this time."
" WHAT? Then... Who?"
" A girl named I..Irene."
" Isn't she the one who joined  in middle of the session?"

Jungkook nods as he raised one eyebrow recognising the person.

" I guess I got a competitor finally. Let the game  begin now, It will be fun!. " He smirked as his competitive spirit finally awoke.


Mrs Choi cuts the ribbon inaugurating the boutique of her second daughter.

Irene clapped as Soha hugged her mom.
" It is a dream come true Soha! I am so happy for you " Y/N chirped excitedly as she clicked pictures of Soha and her boutique.

" Please welcome our new fashion designer Miss Choi Soha." Irene announced making Soha excited as she rushed to squeeze  Irene in a hug .
Irene shouts to free herself from Soha's hug. Mrs Choi shakes her head chuckling at the behaviour of her youngest daughter.

Soha gives them a tour of her boutique and shows them some of her planned designs.

" Our chief guest isn't here yet. When will she reach?" Mrs Choi asked, just then someone entered their boutique with a big bright smile.

" Oh she is here!"

Mrs Choi goes and hugs a middle aged woman, who frowns on seeing y/n standing behind Mrs Choi.

" Welcome Mrs Kim! Thank you for sponsoring  the boutique of my daughter. We will always be grateful to you. "

" It's alright Mrs Choi, it's all because of hard work  of your daughter, her designs are excellent, she is so talented."

"Thank you Mrs Kim!" Soha bows out of respect.

" Hello Y/N, so we are meeting again." Mrs Kim smiles warmly.

'You have no idea, how much I searched for you after that day for my Taehyung. Finally today I am meeting you again in the most unexpected place, I guess it's the sign of destiny, that maybe you and my Taehyung are meant to be with each other. I have always wanted someone like you for my son. I have suffered a lot in my marriage but I won't let that happen to  Taehyung. I will get him a good life partner and you are just perfect for him. ' Mrs Kim thought

" Yes Mrs Kim, it's a pleasure to meet to again."  Y/N bows

" Pleasure is all mine y/n." Mrs Kim chuckled as she hugged y/n narrating their first meeting to Mrs Choi.

While everybody was busy Mrs Kim takes a seat beside Mrs Choi who was busy in admiring her daughters, they  were clicking pictures together and Irene was busy in removing their hands from her shoulders and waist.

" What have you thought about the marriage of your daughters Mrs Choi. I mean one day they will have to get married eventually. "

" It's completely their choice Mrs Kim, I will let them decide themselves if they want to be in a marriage and with whom. "

Mrs Kim smiles impressed by the thoughts of Mrs Choi.

" So when is y/n planning to get married?. Does she have someone in her life ? " She crossed her fingers.

" No, I don't think so. "

" Then... " Mrs Kim takes a deep breath before speaking." I want your y/n for my Taehyung... Only if you and Y/N are interested ofcourse."

Mrs Choi's eyes widens

" T-Taehyung! Your C-ceo son? "


Taehyung and Jungkook were sipping on their drinks as Jimin played his guitar.

" So? What about daughter of Mr Lee? I thought you were serious about her? " Taehyung asked as Jimin stopped.

" It was just a hookup, you know I don't believe in love and things like relationships which are totally a waste of time . I mean I got every girl I ever wanted  but I never felt that connection or attraction towards anyone. Maybe love never exists afterall it's just physical attraction if you ask me."
He paused being in deep thoughts

" I have seen my friends going crazy behind what they call their ' love of life', like how can you let down your self respect for someone. Fools!! . Don't even get me started on this topic...They are so stupid that... . " He mocked as he looked at Taehyung and Jungkook who were busy in their discussion of where they would like to go for next trip .

" Yeah! How can you both do this to me, I was just  sharing my thoughts with.. Aishhh.. Let it be. "

Jimin sighed as he placed his guitar aside joining them in that discussion regarding their next trip.

" Jungkook! Stop clinging on me . God! Why is he always in mood of being all cuddly, always clinging onto someone. "

" It's his love language Taehyung." Jimin chuckles.

" Why don't you make a girlfriend?" Jimin asked.

" I just don't want to be with any random girl but  with someone with whom I will share a beautiful bond of love. Someone who will be special to me."
Jungkook smiles

" I am already feeling pity for his future girlfriend, she will get a cuddly panda like him, she would never feel the need to have  plushies he would be enough . God! ... Kook please don't bother her too much for god's sake! " Taehyung shakes his head as Jungkook pouts.


A Love like Ours || V Min Kook ffWhere stories live. Discover now