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"I went to Kim Mansion to talk to that man about the property but he refused."
Mrs Kim speaks as her eyes glistens  Taehyung and Y/N gets worried for their mom.

" Mom! We don't want his property why did you even go there?"

" Because it wasn't his at first place it belonged to my father and me. My father gave us that Kim  Mansion as our wedding present . Your maternal grandpa wanted to write your name on its Will, Tae! But this man convinced my dad to write his name instead. "

" What? " Taehyung asked surprised.
" Everything belonged to you mom?" Y/N questions
" Yes my child! That company and everything belonged to my father, Taehyung's father was just a regular employee  in my father's company with whom I fell in love ..... I never said this before  because I thought that at least he loves our children but I am saying it today because you children need to hear the truth that  he didn't, he neither loved me nor our children, he just loved the money I have!! and  when I went there he showed his true colors,  i got to know who he really is!! "

Mrs Kim narrates them everything.

*Two days before *

She reached Kim Mansion with her lawyer ( her father's lawyer).

She enters the mansion that looked so lifeless as if it's missing it's real people .

" Oh what brings my darling here? Probably her children"

Mr Kim gives chuckles evilly as that word 'my darling' feels like someone has stabbed her heart.

Mrs Kim helps her old uncle (lawyer) to sit on the couch as she takes a seat herself.

" Can I sit too ma'am?" He asks her playfully and takes a seat.

" So what brings you here?" Mr Kim shakes his eyebrows.

Mrs Kim looks towards her lawyer who nods.

She keeps some papers on the table as Mr Kim looks at them curiously.

" Now what? My father in law has named something else on my name too?"

He chuckles as Mrs Kim boils in anger.

"These are Will papers. Sign them and give everything to our children, they have already suffered enough! Now stop it whatever you are doing."

Mr Kim scoffs at the papers.

" And what made you think that I would sign them, I guess you don't know me yet darling! "

" S-Stop calling me that, you have lost your right years ago!! "

Mr Kim chuckles and throws his head back as his laughs echoed in the mansion. He looks at her again as his eyes darkens.

He keeps his legs up on the table and puts his shoes on those papers as he crosses his legs. Mrs Kim gasps.

" You will eventually give them to our children like you promised my dad then why not now?? What's wrong with you. "

Mr Kim hums as he ligts up his cigar and takes in a puff exhaling out.

" Who told you that I will give it to Taehyung? Promises are meant to be broken darling. "

Mrs Kim's eyes widens as she could not believe that she used to love a person like him.

" Oh I didn't tell you did I? I am getting married in few months and then I will name everything on my girlfriend and child's name. She is serving me a lot these days unlike your ungrateful son ."

Mrs Kim closes her eyes as her heart pains.

" Okay don't give it to my son Taehyung or Jungkook because Mrs Jeon will take care of him but atleast leave something for My Jimin, he isn't my biological son so you can spare him from all this atleast. "

A Love like Ours || V Min Kook ffWhere stories live. Discover now