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Today Jungkook, Irene, Jay, Jen and Min have planned to visit amusement  park.

Jen was pulling Irene towards a particular ride.

" No!" Irene stops
"Jen this ride is looking so dangerous." She speaks as Jungkook hears it.

" It will be fun Irene you just have to stick to Jay that's it." Jen whispers in her ear.

Irene sits on one of the two seats. Jungkook watched how Jen left Irene alone on the ride to be with Min as   Jungkook gets concerned and decides to sit with Irene  but as Jungkook was about to sit beside her Jay interrupts.

" Excuse me! That's my seat."

" But I can't see your name here? "

" It's my seat right Irene? "

Irene looks at Jay and then at Jungkook who was looking with a hope that she will agree with him, Irene wants to sit with Jungkook so bad!! . Irene looks at Jen who shakes her head in denial, Irene pouts. She looks down being sad.

" You sit with me Jay."

Jungkook's heart pains at her rejection as he walks away sitting on one of the two seats in front of Irene and Jay.
Jay smirks as he sits with Irene but seems like this time tables have turned as a girl approached Jungkook.

" Excuse me! Can I sit here because all the seats are full already? "
Jungkook looks around and nods
" Oh! Sure! "

Irene fumes as she starts talking to Jungkook. Soon ride starts  Jay starts shouting and sticks to Irene and she herself was scared as hell but didn't shows it.

" Oh my God! Oh my God!! Irene this ride is so dangerous!!!"

Jay shouts annoying the shit out of Irene.
Meanwhile that girl is clinging onto Jungkook in fear who is chuckling trying to calm her down as Irene fumes in anger.

" Oh my God! Irene! I am feeling pukish!"

" Whattt!! Jay?? "

He almost vomits on Irene as she shouts in disgust.

" Are you okay?" she asks Jay who smiles and nods and as soon as ride stops Irene rushes away from there.

They stand in the queue for next ride and Jen asks Irene to take Jay with her again.

This time Jungkook was already sitting on the ride with hope in his eyes that this time Irene will sit with him as he looks at her.

" No Irene!" Irene's heart pains on the thought of denying him again as she looks at his hopeful eyes again.

Irene turns around fuming.

" You know what Jen just fck it! I am going with Jungkook and nobody can stop me this time."

Jen smiles at Min as she watches Irene leave.

She sits beside Jungkook as his heart blooms, flutters, jumps, leaps, swells everything at once!!!!.

" Get up Jungkook!"

Jungkook closes his eyes in rage at that irritating voice and looks up at Jay sternly shooting daggers with his eyes as Jay trembles.

" Umm i-it's okay I will sit s-somewhere else ."

He walks away as Jungkook looks towards Irene his eyes softens. Irene noticed him looking at her as her heart beats accelerates.
Soon the ride starts as Irene shouts.

" Oh shit! She closes her eyes tightly as the ride acends up on a pole ready for free fall under gravity and will stop just before hitting the ground. Jungkook looks at her.

A Love like Ours || V Min Kook ffWhere stories live. Discover now