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Next morning y/n opens her eyes slowly as her head feels like it would burst in any second because of  hangover. She groans in pain as she sits on bed but finds Taehyung not by her side, he was in shower. Suddenly  shower sounds stops as the bathroom door unlocks and Taehyung comes out wrapped up in a towel. He finds y/n staring at him and he remembers how she described her feelings whenever she sees him wrapped up in towel after shower. He turns around  to hide his blushing form.

" Go and freshen up y/n. I have ordered hangover soup for you, you will feel better."

Y/N smiles as her heart warms up at his caring gesture.
" Thank you Tae!"

Just then she noticed a bluish mark on Taehyung's neck.

" Umm Tae what is that on your neck?"

She furrows her eyebrows as she walks towards him. Taehyung looks in mirror and gets flustered because he knows the creator of this art.
She stands behind him as he looks at her through mirror.

" What do you think it is y/n? "

Y/N observes it for sometime but then something clicks her mind as she realises what that is. She gasps.

" I-It's a hickey!"

Taehyung nods slowly. She thinks for a while as she slowly turns Taehyung around to make him face her.

" W-Who?" She gulps. Her heart pains on even imagining him with someone else.

" A not so innocent girl who took advantage of me last night in her drunk state ."

Y/N furrows her eyebrows in confusion.
" Who did t-this?"
Taehyung  smiles.

" My wife!"

Y/N's eyes widens as it hits her.

" N-No tell me you are lying Tae! Please"
She gets so embarrassed but also breaths in relief.

" I wish I could say that."

" Oh my god! I-I am so sorry Tae. Shit! I shouldn't have drunk too much."

She looks at her artwork again and  gets so embarrassed.

" I-I did it?" she questions again as she points at her direction.

Taehyung nods again.

" Oh God!" she palms her face in embarrassment and whines as Taehyung chuckled.

" Please tell me I stopped there and didn't do anything else to embarrass myself even more today."

" Hmm so from where should I start."

Taehyung gestures like he is thinking as y/n gasps mentally cursing herself so many times.

" You told me to kiss you, you even told me how you want to pounce on me whenever you see me in towel and how you want to make love-"

" Oh God Tae! Please stop!! I am already feeling so embarrassed I won't be able to hear anything more."

She cups her face and starts whining cursing herself as Taehyung was really enjoying her embarrassed state but a part of him was also pitying her.
He hugs her.

" Hey it's fine, it's fine y/n, I am your husband afterall, Hmm! "

Butterflies flutter violently in her stomach as she snuggles to hide her embarrassed state in his chest while Taehyung rubs her back slowly smiling at her.


They both were standing at airport for their flight for Paris.

" Hide that mark Tae, Joon is coming to bid us goodbye."

Taehyung quickly covers it with his collars.

Just then Namjoon arrived.
He hugs y/n then Taehyung. When Taehyung bows down to pick their luggage Namjoon looks at that mark as he raises his eyebrows being impressed. Namjoon looks at  y/n and touches his neck smiling teasingly just then y/n noticed that Taehyung's mark was visible who was still busy with their luggage. She gets embarrassed as Namjoon winks at her.

Taehyung holds her shoulders pulling her closer to him and leaves.

" Tae, he saw the mark!"

She continues whining as Taehyung chuckles  holding her close to him and his heart as they were walking to board the flight for Paris.


Next Day

Jimin stretches his arms, he was tired after a couple of meetings as he enters his office completely exhausted. He wonders how Taehyung handles everything because it's really exhausting to attend so many meetings.
His stops on his track  as he finds Soha sitting in his office waiting for him.
She gives him a warm smile as she gets up to welcome him but Jimin ignores her and walks towards his chair taking a seat. Her smile faints.

" What is the purpose of your arrival?"

" To admire my love." She mumbles loud enough for him to hear as his heart leaps.

" What?" He questions again.

" Jiminie I want to update these papers and  it needs your signatures." She pouts as she speaks so softly, God! things that nickname does to Jimin  .
She takes a seat in front of him. Jimin takes papers from her as he goes through them. Soha rests her face on her hand and continues to admire him, he gets nervous under her stare. She realised that she missed him, she is missing his affection, his affectionate eyes and care for her. Though she was in doubt if she should give him a chance at the time when her friend told her that he is planning to propose her but now all her doubts are cleared.
When he is not with her now  she realised that even she has got feelings for him but she used to deny those feelings hiding them behind her doubts on him.

" Their last date to update is after one year, you still have  so much time." Jimin shakes his head knowing she is doing everything purposely just to meet him.

" No I don't have time, I am on verge of losing everything if I didn't take action any soon."

Jimin's hand stopped understanding the meaning of her words, he looks at her and finds her eyes shining, mirroring his own but  he looks away signing her papers quietly.  He handovers her the papers as a letter falls down near his chair while she leaves . He picks it up and reads it.

"I am sorry Jimin and I won't stop until I get your apology ."

She walks away with a heavy heart.


Taehyung and Y/N reached Paris.
They were out on walk in the evening, y/n withdraws her hand from his hold to find something in her purse when they pass through crowd.
Taehyung turns to talk to y/n but his eyes widens on finding her nowhere near him. He stops and gasps looking everywhere for her. He gets so worried, he tries to call her but finds her phone in his pocket itself.

" Shit! Y-Y/N!"

He looks around and cups his mouth, he was so worried and scared for her. He tries to look for her in the crowd, he even visits nearby shops.
His heart was thumping and paining in his chest  on separation from her.


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