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Finally after getting done with his conference  Taehyung waits for y/n as he checks his phone again and again to see her call. Finally after a long wait someone knocks the door of their hotel room.

He opens the door and finds Hana  holding drunk y/n, she hiccups.

" Your wife, safe and sound."

Y/N looks at Taehyung as she smiles brightly jumping on him excitedly wrapping her arms around his neck and legs around his waist as Taehyung gets startled , Taehyung catches her in mid-air wrapping his arms around her body. He mumbles 'than you' to Hana and closes the door. Y/N snuggles into his neck, her hot breath sending shivers down his spine as he sighs.

" I am baccck Tae baby!"

She mumbles in her drunk voice in his neck as he chuckles . He pecks her head caressing her head.
She parts from his neck and pouts at him.

" But I missed you, I used to enjoy clubbing in past times but today I was missing you, couples specially Joon and Hana were having so much fun, I wish you could be with me too, then even we would have enjoyed." She speaks in her drunk voice.

" Oh Y/N."
Taehyung's eyes soften as he carreses her hair so lovingly.

" I am so sorry darling! "
" It's alright Taeeee  I know you were busssyyy"

He pecks her cheek in admiration of her understanding nature and brings her closer to bed and makes her sit. He  kneels down and removes her heels, there were some small reddish spots on foot formed because of new heels. He shakes his head.
' I have told her so many times to wear something comfortable but this girl never listens to me.'

" Tae!" she whines.
" What happened darling?"

" Come here and sit with me, I don't want to stay away from you now I have missed you so much."

She pouts and opens her arms as Taehyung chuckles and embraces her sitting beside her. She slowly climbs up straddling his lap as his breath hitched. He holds her waist to support her. she cups his cheeks.

" I want to you to kiss me, kiss me like we kissed that day on beach. Come on Tae! "

Taehyung gets flustered. She puckered her lips as she moves towards him slowly.

" Y-Y/N.. S-stop.. You should s-sleep now."

" Umm.. But I want to kiss you, I reallyyyyy like it when you kiss me it gives butterfliesssss in my tummyyyy. "

Taehyung chuckles at her innocence. He brushes her hair away from her face as he pecks her forehead so lovingly.
She points towards her cheeks as he pecks her cheeks at last she points her lips.

" Here too. "

Taehyung breathes out as he gives a quick peck on her lips. Y/N smiles snuggling into his neck once again. He carreses her back slowly as he closes his eyes feeling her so close to him.

She slowly runs her hand on his chest as she starts kissing his neck. He gasps

" Y-Y/N"

He almost moans when she sucks on his skin which will definitely leave mark. He gently holds her face and removes her from his neck.

" You should s-sleep now sweetheart!"

She pouts running her finger down his chest. He smiles at her innocence.

" But I want to make love to you."

Taehyung chokes on air as his eyes widens maybe his wife is not that innocent afterall.

" W-what?"

She chuckles

" Do you want to hear a secreeeet?"

Taehyung nods, she gestures him to come close as she whispers in his ears.

" Hmm.. You look so tempting after shower with that towel wrapped around your torso, it takes lot of self control for me to not to pounce on you. "

His eyes widens at her unholy thoughts. 'God! She will regret saying these things tomorrow ' he thinks . His wife is not that  innocent.

" Soooo from where should we start my dear hubyyy?"

" N-No we can't Y-you need to sleep. "

" But why?? "
She whines.

" Am I not that desirable or pleasing to you Tae. "

Her eyes glistens.

" No darling you are getting me wrong. "
He cups her cheeks but she removes his hands.
' Aishhh why am I even arguing with a drunk person.' he thinks

He slowly puts her on her back on bed but she tightens her legs around his torso and pulls him down by his collars as he falls hovering above her with his hands besides her head as his neck chain dangles in front of her face , she holds his chain to prevent him from going back as he gasps loudly.

" Please don't go Tae!"  She pouts sadly and his heart leaps as his eyes softens.

" Don't worry darling I am here, I won't leave you ever. Now will you sleep for me please?"

She nods smiling as she pulls his chain bringing him closer to her and runs her nose on his and he smiles. He removes his chain from her grip and caresees her hair and she slowly drifts to sleep, he gets up and covers her with duvet and lays beside her switching off lights.


Jimin visited Soha's house to deliver something sent by Mrs Kim for Mrs Choi. Soha gets a mini heart attack as she watched him sitting in their living room.
She brought some handmade coffee and snacks for him, she made it with so much love and served him like he used to serve her so lovingly.

" Have coffee Jimin."

Mrs Choi offered.

" Thank you Aunty but doctor has strictly prohibited caffeine products and snacks for my me."

Soha's heart drops as she knows why he is rejecting her snacks and coffee but she is determined as she takes seat beside her mom.

" Then shall I get juice for you Jiminshi? " She asks so softly so lovingly

Jimin's heart leaps at her soft voice.

" N-No thank you I am fine."

Soha smirks internally because she knows that she is  effecting him.
Mrs Choi continues to talk as Soha admires Jimin this whole time which he noticed very well.

Soha walks outside in their garden where Jimin's car is parked. She scribbles something on a paper and sticks it on his car.

'Jimin I am really sorry please forgive me . Love Soha '

she turns around and finds her neighbour's son watching her curiously.

" What?"
She scolds him as he shakes his head.

" Then get lost!"

She hides behind the tree as soon as she spots him.

Jimin spots a note sticking on his car, he reads  and crumples it throwing it away. she spots her neighbour laughing at her, she immediately bows down to get her slipper to throw at him but he is already gone fearing her.

She stomps her feet and walks away as her heart pained.


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