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With dim lights and loud music playing in background everybody was vibing and enjoying their drinks.

" Stop it now Jimin! You are already drunk enough now stop! Have you seen your condition??"

His  friend tries to snatch that glass of beer from his hands but Jimin glares at her and refuses to give up.

" This is my only and last resort to stop this heart from throbbing  painfully. Do you know how  that one void in my heart makes it difficult for me to live? "

" But-"

" Let me live the way I want till I wait for her to return to me and this time when we will meet it will be forever! in this world, in every life and in every world. "

He takes another sip as his heart clenches.

" W-what if she never returns? Then what will you do, you can't continue to live like that-"

" I will rott till end then. I will continue to destroy myself till I meet her. "

His friend sighs

" Jimin try and understand. She was there when you were rich when you had all the luxuries to provide her but the moment you were left with nothing she left you. Can't you see what she did with you, that she really never loved you, she was just using you!! She was a whor-"

Jimin throws his drink as glass shatters into pieces, he grabs the neck  of his friend.

" Speak one more word against her and you are dead because I will forget that you are a woman. "
He pushes his friend away.

" Get lost from my sight and don't show me your face ever again. "

His friend  looks around at all the staring eyes and walks away in rage.

Jimin closes his eyes as his heart throbbed painfully seemes like more drinks will be needed to get rid of this pain.

He orders one after the other and when he was lost in drinking he scans the dance floor where he first met his love.
His eyes stopped as he finds a familiar figure dancing even the steps were same as Soha's. That name brought tears in his eyes. He was drinking to forget that name for a while, to ease his pain but unfortunately it brought him even more closer to that name .
He tried to look at the face of that familiar figure dancing on the floor as he made his way to that person through crowd. He stumbled on his way and even bumped with some people apologising them.

He stopped on his path  to think what  if his mind is playing games with him? What if this is some kind of illusion? , whatever it is he needs to confirm it so he walks on his tracks and stops behind that figure, she giggles and turns around as his eyes widens.

" S-Soha?"

That name slipped from his lips after so long. He gulps on seeing Soha smiling at him as her earrings dangled on her cheeks like that night. He digged into his pockets quickly as his hand touched that earring of her. She was wearing the same pair of earrings and smiling at her. He brought that earring in front of his face and looks at her as he confirms that she is indeed her. He breaks into tears as he cups her face with trembling hands.

" S-Soha? I-Is it you really??"  His teary eyes were trying to see clearly as his heart was throbbing in excitement like it got its beats back after a long time, his lifeless face was filled with so many expressions but he gasps as he got pushed back, he stumbles and falls on his side.

He looks towards that figure again confused as his heart drops on finding that he was imagining someone else to be his girl and she was yelling at him for his misbehavior but he realised  that he has dropped that  earring  from his hand, he gasps and panics, he starts searching for it here and there like a madman. Jimin finally finds the earring as he quickly rushes towards it shoving it back into his pocket but everything around him gets blurred as his head spins.

A Love like Ours || V Min Kook ffWhere stories live. Discover now