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Y/N walks down the aisle holding the arm of her mom. Taehyung's world stops as soon as he looks at her, she was looking so breathtaking beautiful in that wedding gown . He can literally hear 🎻 playing in background as he takes in a deep breath with his fluttering heart.
Y/N looks up  to see Taehyung who was looking at her already, she gets a mini heart attack .
She winks at him as his eyes widens a bit, Y/N chuckles internally at his reaction. She walks up the stage and stands in front of him. Her eyes were lightened up with all the starts of universe, he promised himself to keep them lightened up with joy, happiness and... love always!!

He wants to hold her hands so bad as priest begins with the ceremony, he was constantly staring between his and her hands with a war going inside in his head whether he should hold her hand, his hands were twitching . Y/N was quick to notice this hesitance of him as she blushed.
She extended her hands towards him slowly holding his hands as he gasps looking at her. She gives him the most beautiful smile he has ever seen, it was so captivating. He fell for her smile that day. He tightens the grip on her hands in a promise to never leave her hand and stick by her side till death do them apart.
Priest announced for the ring ceremony as Soha and Jimin quickly got the rings on the stage. Y/N slides the ring on Taehyung's ring finger followed by Taehyung as his heart already fills with many feelings for his wife  .
Finally priest announced them as Husband wife as he asks them to kiss now.
Taehyung gulps as he looks at her only to find her smiling, he sighs in relief on seeing her comfortable. He walks forward as he cups her cheek with one hand bringing her closer to him, their heartbeats increased as he leans forward. Y/N holds his wrist on her face and closes her eyes to welcome his kiss.
Taehyung pecks her forehead as Jimin and Jungkook shakes their head in disbelief.

Taehyung pecks her a litte longer, her heart warms up as her eyes glistened a bit. He moves back a bit as she looks up at him caressing his wrist with her thumb. Everybody claps as they part from each other. Photographers asks Taehyung to hold her for photos. Taehyung holds her shoulders and pulls her close to him as her heart  jumps.
Taehyung whispers to her, " You must be tired  y/n, I will try to wrap up all this quickly so that you can get rest." He asks the waiter to get water for her.
She looks at him so lovingly though he is really bad at showing acts of love or is  even antiromantic as claimed by his younger brothers but has a pure heart and  is a caring person indeed. He genuinely cares for the people close to him.

Everybody starts gathering to bid y/n goodbye.

" Where is Soha?" Y/N asks

Soha stops a waiter.

" Who are you getting these for?"
" Areum ma'am"
" Give it to me I will give it to her."
She adds something in her drink then asks the other waiter to serve the drink.
She dusts her hands smirking
" Now she will not be able to spoil our family moment with her toxicity."

She walks away as Areum consumes her drink but within few minutes her stomach starts rumbling and she feels the need to go to washroom.


Mrs Choi and Mrs Kim were busy with Taehyung and Y/N when Irene spots Jungkook who was standing beside Gngguk.
He calls Irene as she approached the two brothers.

" Googie Hyung, she is Irene Y/N noona's youngest sister." Gngguk looks at Irene

" I am so sorry for my behavior earlier I misunderstood you as Jungkook." Gngguk nods understanding

" That's what I was thinking that how come a stranger girl is  talking so frankly, she even punched me playfully"

Irene was all  red by now because of embarrassment.

" Hey, it's alright I understand." Gngguk chuckles for the first time. Irene smiles as she apologised to him once again and then leaves as Soha calls for her.

" But I must say you two are quite close for her to behave like that with me, she even called me crackhead." He wiggles his eyebrows at Jungkook.

" Am I missing out on something in your like Kookie? "
" Hyung it's not what you are thinking."
" Oh really? That is why you were worried about her and wanted her to talk to me again to clear this misunderstanding.. Hmm!"
" Hyung I-"
" Let it be kookie don't try to convince me otherwise "
Jimin joins them as he hugs Gngguk.
" How are you Googie?"
" I am very much fine Jimin Hyung. "
They talk for a while as Jimin was very happy after  meeting his younger brother after a long time.
Mrs Kim joins them as she hugs Gngguk too.
" Where is Jihyu?"
" Mom got call from work so she left "
Mrs Kim nods as she knows that Mrs Jeon tries to avoid her as much as possible and even keeps Gngguk away from them out of embarrassment which is understandable, though Mrs Jeon  is really grateful of Mrs Kim as she raised Jungkook and gave him equal love and attention like Taehyung as she was really worried about Jungkook after losing one of her twin son's custody to Mr Kim.


Y/N hugs Mrs Choi to bid her goodbye followed by Soha and that's when Irene hugs her this time being overwhelmed by her emotions. Choi sisters remain in each other's embrace for some time

" Why are you leaving me alone with Irene, how will I handle her tantrums without you Unnie . How?"
Soha whines

" Hey! I am not that bad...Yes Unnie how will I handle Soha Unnie's anger issues without you."

Soha narrows her eyes at Irene.

" See! She is already glaring at me Unnie!! " Irene  whines.

Y/N chuckles a bit as she wipes some of her tears.

" Why don't you three sisters get married in the same house then you all will get to live with each other even after marriage."

Gngguk jokes around to lighten up the mood of everyone.
Jimin and Soha looks at eachother as Jungkook and Irene looks at eachother only to look away quickly.
Mrs Choi and Mrs Kim chuckles.

" Gngguk is right I should have planned their marriage in same house before hand."
Mrs Choi jokes around with Gngguk.


Y/N bids them goodbye as Taehyung holds her hand to give her emotional support by showing his presence.

Y/N takes a seat beside Taehyung as he offers her hankey. She smiles a bit before accepting it and wiping off her tears.

" You can take off your heels Y/N, your legs must be hurting by now as they seemed to be new."

Taehyung takes a look at her legs. She nods before removing her heels and sighs in relief.


As soon as the car stops Taehyung orders his driver to get an extra pair of slippers for y/n from shoestand.

He holds her heels in one hand as she walks beside him. He opens the main door and  holds her hand subconsciously guiding her inside the house which was enough to bring a smile on her face.
As soon as he opens the door of their bedroom they both gasps loudly in shock.


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