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" What? where do you think you are going?"

Jimin and Jungkook stands in front of Y/N, between y/n and Taehyung.  Yeontan runs towards Taehyung who takes him in his arms

" At least let me talk to my wife ." Taehyung speaks while playing with the fur of Tannie in his arms. Y/N's heart fluttered.

" After leaving her on very first day of your marriage. Hmm?" Jimin questions
" Yeah! How can you do that to our noona? "
Jungkook questions.

" I was called for an important meeting but see today I canceled rest of the meetings and appointments to be back on time . "

Taehyung requests them to allow him to be with his wife. He looks at y/n with pleading eyes and her heart melts within seconds.
She walks towards Jimin and Jungkook.

" He is sorry please forgive him. "
Y/N requests, Jimin shakes his head at Taehyung.

" You have got such a sweet wife hyung , here we are fighting for her but she is still supporting you , Infact she is even apologising on behalf of you. How can you leave her just like that, now I am even more pissed off. "

" Aishh... I am Sorry Jimin I promise this will never happen again. "

" Promise? "  Jungkook asks

" Promise Kookie Promise! "

They both gets aside as Y/N walks towards Taehyung.

" I-I am sorry y/n. I just..it's just that. "
She holds his hand which is wrapped around Yeontan.

" I understand! " She smiles as his world blooms again. The he remembers that he has brought flowers for her as an apology.

" I-I got fl-flo-flow-"

He looks at Jimin and Jungkook who were staring at both of them.

" What? Is there a show going on? Why don't you both leave already?"

Jimin and Jungkook shakes their head as they leave .

" If he will go with this speed stuttering and all and that to with his wife, just forget it that we will become uncle any sooner Infact i think he will become uncle first to our kids." Jimin whispers to Jungkook while walking away.

" What were you saying?" y/n asks again
" Actually I got some fl- flow-"
' oh god why is it so hard I find giving presentation in front of thousands of people much easier than this.'

Her grips tightens on his hand.

" I am listening."

Taehyung calls for his driver who comes up with a bouquet of flowers.

" I got them for you, I don't know your favorite flowers yet so I got each one of them."

Taehyung gives her the bouquet as she hides her face behind the bouquet to hide her red face.

" It's an apology from my side."

" They  are so beautiful !"

She smells them as butterflies flutter violently in her stomach .

" I-I will go and fresh up."

Y/N nods before taking Yeontan in one of her arms.

" I hope he hasn't caused any trouble to you ? "

" No, he was the sweetest child to his mom."
Y/N peckes Yeontan and  Taehyung's stomach  gets filled with butterflies too , she was already loving him same as Taehyung, he could not ask for more at this time.

A Love like Ours || V Min Kook ffWhere stories live. Discover now