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" MOM!! Irene got admission in one of the best universities of Seoul based  on scholarship."

" What! Really?.  This new city is already proving so lucky for us."

Middle aged lady grinned 

" You girls always make me feel so proud. I wish your father was with us today to celebrate these achievements of his daughters. " Middle aged lady smiles weakly.

" Mom! "

Eldest daughter hugged her mom.

" Dad is always with us mom. Infact it's his blessings that this new city is becoming so lucky for us. "

She breaks the hug and caresses the face of her eldest daughter.

" Where is Soha?"

" Ah... she is actually still busy in bickering with our neighbour aunty for parking spot. "

" What! Damn this girl and her temper issues. " Mrs Choi holds her  head as her eldest daughter Y/N giggles.

Just then someone bangs the door  as everyone flinched a bit and here comes Soha . She smirks

" Finally she gave up on our parking spot but for that I had to beat the shit out of his son. I mean that man had illegally parked his car on our spot and still had audacity to flirt with me. Uggh.. I just hate such type of cheesy flirt boys."

" Calm down Soha calm down! "
Y/N gives her a glass of cool water as she gulps down the water .

" Mom! " Soha pouts as she goes and hugs her mom." Why are people so mean these days. " Mrs Choi rubs the back of her softhearted, middle of the three daughters. Y/N too hugs them as she ruffles Soha's hair. Mrs Choi opens her arms even wider and looks for Irene.

" Please guys, I am not interested." Irene yawns.

Soha chuckles

" Mom you know she doesn't likes to be touchy."

Mrs Choi shakes her head.


" All the best Irene for your first day!"

They all bid goodbye to Irene who walks inside the gate of her new university.

" So you are the new student who joined in middle of the session? "

Irene nods as she extends her hand for a handshake.

" I am Irene. What's your good name? "

She scoffs not accepting her hand.

" Yuri! "

She scans Irene from head to toe.

" You really seem like someone who can be here only on scholarship. " She gives her a dirty smirk

Irene furrowed her eyebrows at her behaviour.

" You know what! Yuri or whatever, I really don't care about a rude @ss person like you."

Irene walks away from  Yuri without even sparing her a glance as Yuri's mouth is opened wide with straight insult on face from someone. She clenches her fists in anger.


" Soha, don't worry Irene will be fine."

Soha nods who was concerned about the first day of her younger sister.

"I hope they don't look down on her. You know how the children of only super high class people are able to study in a university like that."

" Talents of our Irene will be enough to show then who actually she is."

Soha smiles being a bit relieved.

" Oh no it started dribbling. We should head home soon Unnie . "

They were on their way home when y/n spots an old lady. She was getting drenched and shivering. Y/N looks at Soha who nods.
As Y/N was about to hold her umbrella above grandma another umbrella covers her. She looks up only to  see a middle aged woman , who was willing to give up on her umbrella just like y/n.

" It's alright ma'am. You can keep your umbrella, I am giving my umbrella to grandma."

She donates her umbrella to poor grandma. That middle aged lady covers y/n.

" Then come under my umbrella child or you will get drenched."

Y/N looks at Soha

" Sorry ma'am but I can't accept the shelter of this umbrella when my sister is getting drenched because of me . please continue your journey. I will take shelter somewhere with my sister till rain stops. "

That middle aged lady is taken aback by the love of this girl for her younger sister. She caresses her hair lovingly.

" What is your name dear. "

" Y/N, I am Choi Y/N. "


" Mom! You here? Is everything alright? "

Mrs Kim nods as she smiles before engulfing Taehyung in a big warm hug.

" Where is Jimin and that little bunny ?"

" Mom!" Jimin shouts as he rushed towards Mrs Kim and she as always hugs him squishing his cheeks later.

" How is my Jiminie doing? "

" I am fine mom."

" Where is Kookie"

" Moooom... Mom... Mom! Mom!"

Jungkook rushed down the stairs already taking Mrs Kim into a hug.

Jimin holds the hands of Mrs Kim.

" How is your health mom? I hope you are taking your medications on time."

Jimin asks concerned. Mrs Kim nods as she smiles caressing his cheeks.

" I am already fine Jiminie. Really."

" God! You boys worry too much about me." she huffs.

They were having chit chat when Mrs Kim our of nowhere asks something from Taehyung.

" Taehyung, you are already settled in your life now, What are your plans about marriage? If you want to marry someone or have a girlfriend then I would like to meet her."

" Girlfriend? Taehyung? Joke of the year!"

Jimin chuckles as Jungkook joins him.

" He  doesn't even spares a glance towards any women. Though they try really hard to get his attention. " Jimin whispers the last line.

Mrs Kim nods as she chuckles

" Then I have a marriage proposal for you about this girl with whom I shared my umbrella today. "


A Love like Ours || V Min Kook ffWhere stories live. Discover now