S2 - 11

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Mrs Kim visited the old age home with Y/N.
" I am seeing many new faces here Y/N." she looks around that place.

" Yes mom we have recently rescued some aged people from streets, few of them are even mentally unstable and their treatment is still going on."

They walk around the place when someone stops Mrs Kim. She was an old woman with messy white hair and wide eyes, she holds Mrs Kim's hands and stares at her, her lips started to quiver and hands trembled.
Mrs Kim looks towards Y/N who holds the shoulders of that old lady moving her away from Mrs Kim.

" What happened granny. Are you feeling unwell? Do you want something?" Y/N asks softly, she looks towards Y/N and points  towards Mrs Kim with trembling hands.

"Kill-Killed her!"

Y/N furrows her eyebrows.
" What are you saying Granny?"

She looks towards Mrs Kim with wide eyes as her voice trembles.

" Killed that lady... That dancer."
She whispered the last line.

Soon the nurse arrives as she pulls away that lady from them . She bows towards Mrs K and Y/N.

" Sorry ma'am she is mentally unstable don't pay much attention to her words. "

" Are you okay mom? You don't seem well?" Mrs Kim gets startled from her sudden question.

" Y-Yeah I am fine. Let's leave from here."

After one week Shinae gets ready for their second date as she steps out of her flat with thumping heart , she was expecting to see Gngguk again standing for her as she quickly fixed herself and takes in a deep breath as she steps out but finds a black luxurious car instead with driver standing beside it as he bows at Shinae. Gngguk has send his car for Shinae for their second date.

She sits inside as her heart drops a little on not seeing Gngguk today.
' Hunh! All men are same, he was just a showoff on our first date. He didn't come to receive me like my boyfriend!'

Car stops at Jeon's paradise as she gets down.
" Are you sure he ordered you to drop me here?"

" Yes ma'am!"

Shinae crosses her arms.

" Who the hell keeps date on office. Was I interrupting his work? Hell no! I didn't even asked him to date me on first place. Now what will he do attend his meetings take a break to  attend me in office canteen. '
She pokes her inner cheek with tongue.
' Fine just one more to go and I will be done with this man! '

" Welcome ma'am! Let me show you the way! "

A female worker takes her to elevator and presses the button of top floor as Shinae furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

' W-why top floor, is he planning to push me off the roof. '
She gets scared and nervous.

" Finally lift opens as that female worker bows at her before leaving. '

Shinae walks forward and gasps on seeing decorations and what surprised her more was the beautiful city and sunset sky above it. Being amongst the tallest buildings it was giving such a beautiful view of city, Shinae immediately gets her phone and starts clicking pictures to post them later just then  she remembers that even this was amongst her favourite views. view of city lights at night and sunset.
She blushes a little as her heart flutters . She turns around blushing and bumps into Gngguk.
She finds him in dark grey shirt and wait! is that an apron tied around his waist?
Gngguk moves back and bows at her.

" Chef Gngguk at your service ma'am!"

She gasps.

" Sorry couldn't come to pick you up today was busy in preparing special dinner for us."

A Love like Ours || V Min Kook ffWhere stories live. Discover now