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Everybody was having their breakfast as Taehyung served them. He served some extra fruit juice for y/n.

" Tae I already had much." Y/N pouts.
God!.. things that pout does to Taehyung.
"  y/n it's healthy please don't deny it ." Taehyung requests as Y/N smiles while gulping it down.

" I don't remember him serving us something with so much affection." Jimin taunts.

" What do you mean? That I don't love you both same as y/n."
Y/N chokes on her juice as Taehyung's eyes widens . He mentally cursed himself multiple times.

" I-I mean i-"
" It's alright hyung you already spilled everything. "

Taehyung's cheeks gets flushed tomato red

They continue to eat in silence  as their hearts were beating  violently while Jimin and Jungkook were enjoying the show.

Just then Taehyung's phone rings as Jungkook cuts the call immediately.

" What's this behaviour Jungkook when will you grow up."  Taehyung scolds him.

" Please don't scold my kookie Tae. He just wants a family time with us . "

" He could have just told me, I would have denied the person on the other line . "

" Then probably attending him as he would have  requested you to talk to him ." Jimin speaks as he scoffed later.

" Oh god three of you have really ganged up against me in this house. These noona and  brothers trio are really dangerous, right Tannie. "

Yeontan barks

" Wait until you both get married too then I will make my team with my sister in laws. "

Everybody chuckles.


Jungkook and Irene were busy in their late evening rehearsal in university dance room.

He turns her around and holds her as she placed her hands on Jungkook's chest. She could feel as if their heartbeats have  synced. His hands brushed against her bare waist when he held her as she was wearing a  crop top, she felt  his soft warm touch, getting goosebumps . He again turns her around as this time she falls into his arms and Jungkook had to hold her completely by her bare waist because her crop top lifted up. That's when she regretted wearing crop top because his touches were igniting something inside her. She moves out of his arms to give herself a break.

" I'll just go and fill my waterbottle."

Irene moves out leaving Jungkook behind who was sitting on floor to get some rest.

She walks through hallways and corridors of the university to reach watercoolers.
She feels like someone is following her , she grabs the water bottle a little tighter in bottle.

She fills up her waterbottle completely and  was on her way back to dance class but suddenly a hand wraps around her mouth and pulls her towards his chest . She wiggles in the hold of that person but he was quick to hold her hands with other hand. Tears starts tumble  down her eyes when that stranger whispers in her ear.

" It's time to repay for that punch of your boyfriend bit ch."

Irene's eyes widens on realising that he is yuri's brother. She wiggles even more in his hold and her eyes starting search for Jungkook she tries to shout his name but couldn't. He sniffs her neck.

" Hmm... Let me see how good this body of  Jungkook's bit ch can please me. "

She bites his hand hard as he groans in pain removing his hand from her mouth that's when Irene shouts Jungkook's name with all the energy in her body. She turns around kicks his pelvic region as he groans holding his private part.

" You slu t! "

He holds her hair and drags her down as she screams  feeling stinging pain but soon the pain vanished as she falls on floor sobbing. She looks up and finds Jungkook beating the shit out of Yuri's brother. Her brother falls on her feet as she moves back a little

" Apologize to the woman or you won't be walking outside on your legs."

He apologised Irene as he begs Jungkook to stop. Irene covers her face and starts sobbing again which bothers Jungkook as he lets go of Yuri's brother and drops on his knees in front of Irene who was curled up against wall  hiding her face in her arms. Jungkook touches her arm as he jumps and panics moving  away from him.

" D-Don't touch me.. Don't.. Please don't."

He furrowed his eyebrows.

" Irene it's me Jungkook, he is not her anymore. Look at me."

He tries to touch her again but she immediately moves away trembling in fear.

" Irene please calm down please... Look at me... I am Jungkook. " He speaks softly as Irene lifts her head to look up at him. She was trembling.

' Why is she behaving this way, it's not normal, did she had a trauma in past which is reminded by this scenario? "
Jungkook attends psychology classes too  so he gasps as he realised that she is suffering from a past trauma.

He knows how to handle people in such conditions so He sits beside her and slowly brings his hands to her face and cups it without breaking eye contact with her as she lets him this time. He speaks

" Everything is fine Irene... everything is alright. Nobody will touch you... I promise  nobody  will dare to mess with you again... You are safe now "  he speaks very softly as even his heart was paining on seeing her condition

He caresses her cheek bones with his thumbs as she calmed down closing her eyes.

" P-Promise!" She opens her eyes and  asks still trembling a bit.
Jungkook nods as she moves closer to him in  search for comfort ,  warmth and... love and Jungkook had all three of them to offer her. 

Jungkook becomes worried for her and takes a mental note to ask about her past trauma in future, only then she will be able to over come it completely.
He removes his hands from her face as he opens his arms to calm down her trembling state with his warm hug, to provide her a sense of security with his presence . Irene looks at his arms as she moves forward curling her arms around his waist and snuggles in his chest searching for comfort. He embraced her and caresses her hair as she stops trembling on being close to him.

" Everything is okay...you are safe... nobody will touch you... heck. I. Won't. Let. Them. This time!"
He whispers softly emphasising on last words as if he is saying them more for himself.

" Thank you Jungkook. Thank you for saving me from that creep."

Jungkook realises that finally she is coming back to her senses as he huffed in relief. She parts away from him  slowly as some of her hair strands remain attached to Jungkook's t-shirt. He removes her hair strands and gently tucks it behind her ear as she look up into his eyes and... her heart skips a beat.

" How are you feeling now?"
" I am fine now... Thank you Jungkook !"

" Hey don't thank me Irene instead I am sorry that something like that happened to you in my presence. I am ashamed as a male for what he did with you. You know.. we men are always like 'you need my protection' but reality is... you need a male's protection to protect yourself from... a male itself, so instead of promising protection to  our women, if we promise her to give respect to  other women just like we respect her , this world will become so safe for you all. "

Irene was taken aback by his words never has she ever thought that her academic rival will actually be a man with golden heart.
He helps her to get up.

"Let me bring our belongings, I'll drop you home today."

" I-It's alright Jungkook."

" I didn't ask your opinion, You are coming with me that's final ."

Irene watched as he leaves she touches her face which were cupped by his hands few minutes back. How come her body is allowing his touch is a mystery to her.


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