S2 - 21

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" Take a seat Y/N!"

Y/N enters Seokjin's office as she takes a seat in front of a huge board on wall , Seokjin has drawn several figures on it .

" See Y/N ,whatever I am going to tell you listen carefully ."

He writes 'Mrs Kim's father ' on board and draws a line  connecting  it with 'nurse ' he draws another line towards a very familiar name ' Jima Park' as Y/N's  eyes widens on realising it is Jimin's mom's name .

Seokjin turns around .

" The day father of your mother in law died , two more incidences occurred on same day .One that old lady you met in orphanage  ,she was the nurse of Mr Kim and she went missing ,secondly Miss Jima Park was murdered!"

Y/N's eyes widens as she gasps and stands up from her seat .

" B-But Miss Jima committed suicide right ?"
Seokjin scoffs
" That's what killer made you all believe Y/N . I was already finding it fishy that how come so many incidents occur on same day . So I went to hospital where Miss Jima Park's postmortem ( report which explains the reason of death) was made and it showed suicide but I was not convinced by it ,so I disguised myself as one of their workers and sneaked inside their old files store room and my suspicion was correct. Y/N ..." He leans on his table looking at her. " The reports were changed at last moment . Report that was made first clearly showed that she was strangulated to death by using  a rope ."

Y/N gasps as she cups her mouth in shock
" Here ,see the original report yourself.  It was changed at last moment very cleverly by the killer by bribing staff of that hospital. "

Y/N's eyes widens she looks at report and immediately Jimin's face comes in front of her eyes . His heart will definitely be broken by this news that his mom was murdered.

Seokjin walks towards board once again.

" Whats more shocking is that Y/N ,even your mother in law was present at the hospital at that time during all these incidents. And additional information that i got is Miss Jima Park  had planned to visit you mother in law's  father in the hospital to apologize for what she unknowingly did with Mr Kim to his daughter as Mrs Kim was suffering from depression which was also the reason why her father got heartattack after he heard about his daughter's divorce . So Miss Jima and Mrs Kim met for the first time in the hospital. So what my theory suggests is ....." He sighs as he turns around " Your mother in law  murdered Miss Jima in rage  and everything was witnessed accidentally by that nurse so Mrs Kim made sure to remove her from path so  nurse disappeared after that night and that is why whenever she sees Mrs Kim she starts trembling because she has seen that side of her ."

" Jin! Do you know what you are saying??"
Y/N shouts and scolds him .

" Look Y/N I have no personal grudges with your mom so why would I lie but that's what my theory suggests and I am still searching for some proof to prove my theory right because practically if you see she treats Jimin so well  ,maybe out of guilt of killing his mom but until i find a proof stay quiet dont discuss it with anyone ."


Y/N enters Mrs Kim's house after Taehyung called her for a meet up with his mom as she also found Jimin ,Jiha  and Soha .

" Unnie!" Soha calls her excitedly as she takes a seat beside her smiling a little .
She smiles at Taehyung who was laying on Mrs Kim's lap .
Just then Jimin enters from kitchen with Jiha in his arms as Soha walk towards them and takes Jiha in her arms patting her to sleep .

Jimin walks towards Mrs Kim and pushes Taehyung away from her lap as he lays his head on her lap instead , Mrs Kim chuckles . Taehyung pouts looking at Y/N who smiles a little at him but Taehyung frowns immediately recognizing that she is not okay . He takes a seat beside her and holds her hand looking into her eyes.

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