Chapter 92

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3 weeks later...

Brooke's POV

Over the past month, me and my band have been working on our first EP. We finally finished it last week! We've had a few gigs every now and then but tonight is our biggest gig yet. There's this big music festival today and we're able to perform. Every year new artist perform there and sometimes, if you're good enough, you can even get a record deal. There's also some big stars who perform at the festival every year. I know Shawn Mendes and Meghan Trainor are gonna perform this year. But I'm not sure who else. Anyways I'm super pumped for tonight but I'm also super nervous! I cannot mess up in front of all those people! (Especially not Shawn Mendes and Meghan Trainor!!) As I got ready for the show, I got a text from Peyton. "Good luck tonight! I'll be cheering you on!" The text read. I smiled and texted him back. "Thank youu! I'm so nervous!"
"You'll do great, I know it ;)" He replied, a few seconds later. "Thanks, I hope so :)" I texted back. "Brooke, let's go!" I heard Connor shout from downstairs. "Coming!" I said, then ran downstairs. I quickly slipped on my shoes and ran out the door. We got in the car and drove to the festival. Once we got there we had to go backstage. As we walked towards the stage, we walked passed booths full of merchandise from different celebrities that were performing tonight. "I didn't know Fall Out Boy was performing!" Connor said, excitedly. "Me neither! I didn't know there was gonna be this many performers!" I giggled. I hope I get to talk to some of the stars but I mainly wanna talk to Meghan Trainor. She's definitely one of my role models. As we kept walking, I saw this big sign and I couldn't believe who was on it. "Hey did you know R5's gonna be here?" Connor asked, pointing at the sign I was just looking at. I shook my head. "I had no idea" I said. I can't believe they're gonna be here! Now that I think about it, they came back from Europe yesterday. I'm so nervous now. Things are gonna be so awkward. I mean I'm super excited to see Rydel and the rest of the family. Just not Ross. I know we broke up a while ago, but we haven't spoken to each other since then. Hopefully everything turns out fine. Once we got backstage, there was a bunch of people! After searching a bit, I finally found my band. We got ready for the show and practiced a bit. So far I haven't seen R5, but I did see Meghan, Shawn, Fall out boy and Bea Miller. I haven't had the chance to speak to any of them yet, but I hope I can after the show. Anyways the show was gonna start soon and I was standing backstage with my band. I heard a bunch of voices and noises near the entrance of the stage and looked to see R5 running up the stairs. I wanted to run and give Delly a big hug but I stopped myself. They were obviously stressing out because they were late. Rydel saw me and a huge smile spread across her face. I waved at her and she waved back. Then they all left to go get ready. Right then the host went onto the stage and the show had begun.

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