The Perfect Storm

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"Why? I mean, don't you have enough (friends) on Facebook?" -Hanna Marin

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"Why? I mean, don't you have enough (friends) on Facebook?" -Hanna Marin

Isabel was at Spencer's house, studying with Aria, Hanna, and Spencer for the SATs.

"It's insane," Hanna scoffed. "How many words do they expect you to learn in one night?"

"Stringent," Aria read.

"Uh, tough. Inflexible," Isabel answered. Aria handed her the card. The exact words.

"I mean, It's not like you're actually gonna use them," Hanna rambled.

"You're vexatious," Isabel sighed.

"Annoying, irksome," Spencer said automatically.

"Hey, I'm just speaking the truth!" Hanna argued, making the others laugh.

"Meretricious," Aria read off another card.

"It's not like you go to college and start speaking a different language," Hanna went on.

"It's about getting into college, Hanna," Spencer huffed. "Meretricious. Um...phony, flashy."

"Mm-hm," Aria nodded, giving her the card. "Uh, Han, why are you still eating that?" She asked her, pointing to the old pasta Hanna was twirling.

"Because it's here," Hanna shrugged.

"Put it in the garbage," Spencer sighed.

"Then I'd have to stand over the garbage and eat it," Hanna scoffed. The others just exasperatedly stared at her.

"Besotted," Aria read.

"Infatuated, enamored, in love with," Isabel answered.

"Mm-hm," Aria repeated, handing her the flash card.

"What did Noel say to you after the memorial?" Hanna asked Aria.

"We are taking the SATs in less than 12 hours," Spencer pointed out. "Can we focus?"

"Okay, Spencer, you do not need to know any more big words," Hanna joked. "You're already scary enough."

"Oh come on," Spencer huffed. "What about Isabel? She knows all of these words, too!"

"Spence, I was held back a year," Isabel said, rolling her eyes. "I'm supposed to be a senior right now. Besides, most of these words I'm just learning. Now, you on the other hand, have known what meretricious means since kindergarten."

"And, besides, you're scary enough as is," Hanna added.

"I'm not scary," Spencer frowned. "Am I scary?"

"A little," Aria shrugged. They were quiet for a moment as Isabel tried to figure out what 'undulate' meant.

"Hey, I saw Noel Kahn hug you. And he did not wanna let go," Hanna smirked at Aria, breaking the silence.

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