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"There are million files on here

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"There are million files on here. It's like looking inside of his brain." -Hanna Marin

The five girls waited for Emily outside the pool room. Apparently, Mona had gotten her back on the team, and she had just won a race. Hanna was off sitting with Caleb (Isabel should start teasing her for that).

"Where are they?" Spencer scoffed, crossing her arms.

"How come you can come? Doesn't your mom have you on lockdown or something?" Isabel frowned at Aria.

"I told my mom we'd be studying at the library so that's covered," Aria shrugged. "You sure you wanna do this tonight?"

"Yeah, are you kidding?" Spencer huffed, staring at her. "We have to find out what this guy knows about Ali."

"And why his number was in Ali's- Vivian's coat," Isabel added.

"And we finally got this meeting set, so it's gotta be tonight," Spencer agreed, and turned to Aria. "Look, we're gonna have your back the whole time."

"I know," Aria muttered. There was a pause, but she spoke up again. "It's been a whole week. My mom just wants to know why you're not going home."

"I just- I can't deal with my family right now," Spencer sighed.

"Which one?" Isabel mumbled so only Spencer could hear her.

"Isabel," Spencer warned.

"Can I help?" Isabel asked, trying to redeem herself.

"Talk to Jason for me?" Spencer begged.

"I'm not complaining, but you should talk to him yourself," Isabel said quietly. Suddenly, the swim team burst out the doors, and everyone cheered. Isabel, Aria, and Spencer walked over to Emily, who was beaming and holding a trophy.

"Way to go, champ!" Spencer grinned.

"Em, my mom said that we could have the team party at my house," Hanna said, and Emily smiled.

"That's great!" She replied.

Suddenly, Garrett walked into the school with a couple other officers. Isabel frowned and followed him.

"Caleb Rivers?" He called, and Isabel's eyes widened in panic. He stepped in front of Caleb, holding a piece of paper. "I got a court order here to impound your laptop."

"What for?" Caleb frowned.

"Someone's been hacking into secure school files," Garrett explained, and Isabel knew what he was talking about. 'A'. "I traced them back to your IP address."

"You think if I did something like that I'd be stupid enough to leave a trail?" Caleb scoffed.

"We'll find out. Come on. Hand it over," Garrett said, and Caleb gave him his laptop. "Any passwords we're gonna need?"

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