Moments Later

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"I didn't just get into his car last night

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"I didn't just get into his car last night. Who do you think I am?" -Aria Montgomery

The girls watched in shock as paramedics loaded Hanna into the ambulance.

"We have to get to the hospital. Are you guys okay to drive?" Spencer asked as they drove off.

"Yeah, I guess so," Emily muttered.

"Okay, come on," Spencer replied. Isabel had a beat-up car that her foster parents had given her, so she got into that. Her hands shook all the way to the hospital.


In the waiting room, the girls called their mothers. Isabel watched wistfully as she fiddled with the hem of her shirt.

"Is she okay, Ms. Marin?" Aria frowned as Ms. Marin approached them.

"She is going to be all right," Ms. Marin assured them. "She, um...She has a broken leg and a broken ankle, bruised ribs...and, uh, they might have to remove her spleen." She paused for a moment, warily eying the girls. "What happened?"

"Hanna was coming across the parking lot..." Spencer explained.

"...and this car just came out of nowhere," Isabel finished, her eyes shining with tears.

"Well, the police found the car. They said it was stolen," Ms. Marin continued.

"Did they catch the driver?" Isabel frowned.

"No, not yet," Ms. Marin sighed.

"Cops should be looking for Toby Cavanaugh," Spencer huffed. Isabel just rolled her eyes at that, and remembered that Toby had wanted to meet up with her and Emily. She was about to open her mouth, but Ms. Marin beat her to it.

"It wasn't Toby Cavanaugh. The police picked him up," Ms. Marin replied.

"What?!" Isabel gasped, turning to Emily. She had let him down. They both had.

"One of the officers told me..." Ms. Marin explained nervously, "they found him hiding in town and they were bringing him in...when they got the call about Hanna." She paused, seeing the tired, desperate look on Isabel's and Emily's faces. "You girls should go home. I will call you when Hanna can have visitors."

"Just let Hanna know that we were here," Spencer sighed.

"I will, when she wakes up," Ms. Marin nodded before she walked away.

"Toby isn't 'A'," Emily scoffed as soon as Ms. Marin was out of sight.

"We told you so," Isabel added angrily, crossing her arms.

"Well, Hanna knows who is," Spencer argued. "That's why 'A' tried to kill her."

"Think they're just trying to scare us?" Emily gulped.

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