Close Encounters

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"Making our lives miserable, one text at a time

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"Making our lives miserable, one text at a time." -Hanna Marin

(A/n: these next few chapters are gonna be rlly short. Sorry, but my bored ass is lazy as hell.)

Isabel didn't come with the girls to the Busy Bee Inn, but Spencer did call her about what had happened. Ali was gone, and 'A' had gotten to her first.

"Isabel, this isn't the only reason I'm calling you," Spencer began nervously. "There's something I... there's something you need to know."

"Okay," Isabel frowned, sitting down on her bed. What was the worst that she could say?

"My dad told me... he said that Jason's in rehab," Spencer gulped, and Isabel's heart dropped. It wasn't only her; he had relapsed too.

It all makes sense. That's why he was at that bar.

"What? What bar? Isabel, have you seen Jason since he left you at the hospital?" Spencer asked incredulously, and Isabel realized she had said that aloud. "And how'd you know that bar's the reason he's in rehab?"

"Because that bar fight was about me," Isabel sighed, fiddling with the hem of her shirt.


Isabel sat at the bar. She had just finished a gig, as she had picked up songwriting as a hobby to deal with... him. Everyone seemed to like the song she'd sang, which of course boosted her confidence.

"And what can I get for you?" the bartender asked as Isabel sat down. "Assuming..."

She showed him her fake ID. "Yeah, uh, I'll have a Bloody Mary."

He left to go make her drink, and she felt someone's eyes on her.

"Hey, pretty, that was a nice song," some guy slurred, walking up to her. She turned around, certain that person wasn't him.

"Thank you," she grimaced, turning back around.

"No, seriously, what is a pretty girl like yourself doing around here? Not many girls like you go to bars in Philly," he pressed, sitting down next to her. She inched away, looking to see if there was an empty seat next to her.

"Here's your Bloody Mary," the bartender said as he came back with her drink. The bar was pretty empty, so Isabel didn't get why he turned to someone next to her, and asked, "Would you like a refill?"

Isabel turned around, too. And what she saw took her breath away.

It was Jason. He was there, staring at her with wide eyes. Why was he here? Did he get back into drinking? Was it because of her?

"J- Jason?" she blinked, not able to form real sentences.

"I'll have another scotch," Jason said to the bartender, who nodded and walked off.

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