Breaking the Code

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"My mom would have driven me to the station and offered to take the mug shot

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"My mom would have driven me to the station and offered to take the mug shot." -Emily Fields

Isabel was talking to the girls by their lockers.

"We're giving him all of it?" Emily gaped. "$2,000 is a lot of money!"

"Emily, if he can finally tell me who 'A' is, I would hand over a million," Spencer scoffed.

"Yeah, and not ask for change," Isabel added, crossing her arms and leaning against some random person's locker.

"How'd you get the money so fast?" Emily asked.

"What? Um... I have a relative," Spencer stammered, putting some books away. Isabel gave her the 'Really?' look, and she shrugged.

"Which one?" Emily pressed.

"I promised that I wouldn't say," Spencer replied evasively.

"What time did Jonah say to meet him?" Emily sighed, turning to Aria.

"Six, but, um, look, not all of us are gonna go," Aria said, looking at Spencer. "It's just me and Spencer, so we'll meet up with you afterwards."

"Why just you two?" Hanna asked as she, Isabel, and Emily shared a look.

"Because I'm the face that he knows, and she's the bank," Aria shrugged.

"If we crowd him, he's gonna think something's up," Spencer added in a low voice.

"Something is up," Emily scoffed.

"Yeah, we're finally gonna find out who's been torturing us since Ali's funeral, and, hello, I kind of wanna be there for that," Isabel huffed, crossing her arms.

"Volume!" Spencer hissed as Mona walked up to them.

"Hey, ladies," Mona smiled. The others murmured a 'hi', except for Isabel, who said, "Hello, Mona."

"Okay. Um, Hanna, can I borrow you for a sec?" Mona asked, turning to her. She and Hanna walked off, and Spencer and Isabel shared a look: 'You need to tell them.'


Later, Isabel talked to Jason at the Grille.

"Hey, do you want to split some cheese fries?" Isabel offered.

"I love you, Isa, but I want my own cheese fries," Jason joked, and she decided that now was the time to ask him.

"Jason... did Spencer ask you for a lot of money? Say, I dunno, $2,000?" Isabel asked nervously, twisting her hands.

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