Misery Loves Company

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"If Spencer was here, she'd say that she was pacing while she plots her way to get rid of us

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"If Spencer was here, she'd say that she was pacing while she plots her way to get rid of us." -Emily Fields

Isabel, Spencer, and Emily were at Aria's. She was right about being sick, and they'd all agreed to cheer her up.

"What is this?" Emily frowned as she picked up Aria's teacup and sniffed it.

"Some kind of herb thing. It's Meredith's cure-all recipe," Aria replied while Emily walked over and gave her the cup. She sounded sick, and looked it, too. Cozied up in blankets on her couch, but definitely not comfortable.

"I don't think it's working. You look terrible," Isabel remarked.

Aria lowered the cup from her lips to let out a sarcastic remark. "Thank you." She then sighed, setting the cup down altogether. "Oh, God- I couldn't have picked a worse time to get sick."

"Have you heard from your dad?" Spencer asked as the door opened.

"He left a message, but I haven't talked to him since he left for his conference," Aria muttered.

Hanna walked in with a white designer bag and asked, "Hey. How's the patient?"

"Not great," Emily replied.

"Well..." Hanna said, sitting down next to Aria. "I brought over everything that helps me when I'm sick. Trash..." She dropped some magazines down on the table, "Ginger ale..." She actually pulled out a bottle of ginger ale. "And three seasons of 'Saved by the Bell.'" She laid out the DVDs.

"Thank you, Hanna," Aria laughed.

"Are you sure you want to stay here by yourself?" Spencer frowned.

"Guys, I'm fine," Aria assured them with a weak smile.

"You don't look fine," Emily pointed out.

"So I've heard," Aria replied sarcastically.

"You sure you don't want us to drive you to your mom's?" Isabel offered, leaning back onto Aria's chair.

"No, it's her week with Mike, so the guest room's already taken," Aria sighed. "And besides, I promised Meredith that I wouldn't tell her about Ali's diary until we talked to my dad, so if I just stay away from her, it's easier to keep that a secret."

"I can't believe we're trusting Meredith," Isabel muttered, sharing a look with Hanna.

"I think she's really just as devastated as I am," Aria shrugged.

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