Careful What U Wish 4

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"Did Alison ever look scared?" -Hanna Marin

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"Did Alison ever look scared?" -Hanna Marin

"She doesn't even look scared," Spencer said quietly as they re-watched the video.

"Did Alison ever look scared?" Hanna asked.

"She was fearless," Isabel agreed.

'Come closer.'

"He pushed her, didn't he?" Aria sighed.

"All that mumbling and groaning, Maybe she was gripping the ground because she was--" Hanna suggested.

"Looking for a weapon to defend herself?" Spencer said loudly.

"Why are you snapping at me?" Hanna huffed. "I'm just trying to give your creepy brother an out."

"In-law, okay? Ian is my creepy brother-in-law," Spencer snapped for real.

"Okay, whatever he is, he just married your sister, and he might be a killer," Isabel interrupted. "This definitely proves that he was with her the night she died. It wasn't Toby. I told you all so."

"Can we just watch this video one more time and figure out what they're saying?" Hanna sighed, replaying it.

"No, please. I can't watch this again," Emily gulped.

"Yeah, Em's right. Let's just give it a rest," Aria agreed.

"Is anybody else freezing?" Emily complained.

"I'll make some hot chocolate," Spencer offered, walking into her kitchen.

"Hot chocolate? What is this, camp tamarack?" Hanna snapped. "We can't just sit around singing kumbaya. We have to hand over that video."

"What video?" 

Isabel whirled around to see Ian walk in.

"Uh, Hanna rented Tootsie, but she left it at home," Spencer lied as Ian walked into the kitchen. Right next to where her laptop was. And his younger self very obviously smiled at them all.

"Oh, well, you're welcome to hang with us in the barn," Ian offered. "Your sister picked some chick flick on demand." He pointed to the barn. "Where do we keep the popcorn?" Spencer slowly got up and walked over.

"That drawer," she replied, pointing to it.

"Oh. Okay," Ian nodded, opening it. Spencer reached the laptop, about to close it- "Oh, Emily, by the way, I've been meaning to ask you. You ready to trade your goggles in for a field hockey stick?" 

'You're joking,' Isabel thought as Spencer froze like a deer in headlights.

"Yeah, we could use some speed on offense," Ian continued, looking at Spencer, who now looked caught. "Right, Spence?" 

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