Into the Deep

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"When has Mona ever done anything out of the goodness of her heart?" -Spencer Hastings

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"When has Mona ever done anything out of the goodness of her heart?" -Spencer Hastings

Isabel was at the Brew once again, this time serving Aria and Jake.

"Soy latte," she smiled, giving the drink to Aria.

"Thanks," Aria replied. Jake hung there awkwardly, waiting for his drink, so Isabel broke the ice.

"You two would make such a cute couple," she remarked, and Jake stared at her, then Aria. She looked quizzically at Isabel, who shrugged. "Just saying. And your coffee," Isabel added, handing Jake his coffee.

"Have a good day...?" he began.

"Isabel," she responded. "One of Aria's friends."

"Ah," Jake nodded. "Nice to meet you, Isabel. See you around."

"See you," she smiled as they walked off. Aria wouldn't admit it, but they did make a cute couple.

At least they made a couple.


At school, the girls walked the halls yet again.

"Hanna's convinced Mona did all this as a way to right all the wrongs," Aria whispered.

"When has Mona ever done anything out of the goodness of her heart?" Spencer scoffed.

"What heart?" Isabel frowned, raising an eyebrow.

"She told the police that we bullied her once," Spencer went on as they approached Aria's locker. "She could do it again."

"What, like we forced her to confess?" Isabel asked incredulously.

"Yeah," Spencer hissed as they walked up to Aria's locker. "And she still has that picture that 'A' sent of the four of us standing outside of Wilden's car that night."

"Yeah, but Mona was there, too," Aria pointed out.

"Not according to the picture," Spencer retorted.

Aria just opened her locker and pulled out a framed picture of Paige and Emily. "Check it out."

"You took this?" Spencer asked, impressed.

"Yeah, I took it at a meet last year," Aria replied proudly.

"She's gonna love it," Isabel smiled as she took it from her.

Aria sighed and slammed her locker door shut. "Okay, we should go. I told Paige we'd be at her aunt's house in like 20 minutes."

"With everything that's going on, I still don't understand why she's throwing this party," Isabel said as they started walking again.

"Emily's been living like a refugee for days now," Aria shrugged. "I think Paige just thought she at least deserved a piece of cake."

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